Donner Metals Ltd.: 6 New Massive Sulphide Intersections, Including 19.75 Metres of 22.95% Zinc, 21.40 Metres of 12.47% Zinc at Bracemac and 11.42 Met

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Algemeen advies 03/08/2007 07:15
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - August 02, 2007) - Mr. Harvey
Keats, Chief Executive Officer of Donner Metals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: DON)
reports significant results from delineation drilling at both Bracemac and
McLeod. At Bracemac, high-grade massive sulphides have been intersected in
three drill holes that tested the Key Tuffite Horizon, the horizon that
hosts the major deposits of the Matagami mining camp. At McLeod, high-grade
massive sulphides have been intersected in three drill holes, also at the
Key Tuffite stratigraphic level. McLeod is located approximately 1
kilometre southeast of Bracemac which is located 4 kilometres southeast of
Xstrata's Matagami mill.

Core length
DDH (metres) % Zn % Cu g/t Ag g/t Au
BRC-07-42 2.00 9.09 0.19 18.22 0.18
BRC-07-46 19.75 22.95 0.22 54.40 0.41
BRC-07-47 21.40 12.47 2.02 94.85 0.50

Core length
DDH (metres) % Zn % Cu g/t Ag g/t Au
MC-07-25 0.96 35.60 1.82 54.90 2.98
MC-05-18W3 9.40 6.48 0.39 21.77 0.44
MC-05-18W4 11.42 8.91 1.88 56.40 1.35

Details of the new drill results are reported in the attached Table 1. A
summary of important intersections reported in 2007 at both Bracemac and
McLeod are presented in Table 2. Additional geological information,
including maps and sections, on both areas is available at Twelve holes have been completed on the Matagami
Project since the Company's news release dated June 14, 2007 for a total of
6310 metres of drilling. Three drills are active on the Matagami Project.


The two new intersections encountered in BRC-07-46 and BRC-07-47 indicate a
substantial thickness of high grade massive sulphides at the Key Tuffite
level. Encouragement was initially encountered at the Key Tuffite level in
previously reported BRC-07-38 (11.41% zinc over 1.3 metres) (see News
Release dated June 6, 2007) and in BRC-07-42 which intersected 9.09% zinc
over 2.0 metres with an off-hole EM response that lead to the discovery of
the thicker sulphide intervals in BRC-07-46 and 47. BRC-07-42 was drilled
100 metres east of BRC-07-38. BRC-07-46 was drilled 25 metres down-dip of
BRC-07-42 and BRC-07-47 was drilled 50 metres due east of BRC-07-46. This
new mineralization occurs stratigraphically below the massive sulphide
mineralization in the Bracemac and Upper Bracemac Zones and confirms both
the presence of three vertically stacked mineralized horizons and a robust
VMS hydrothermal system in this area.

Drilling also continued to investigate the up-dip extension of the Upper
Bracemac Zone with the drilling of BRC-07-41 which intersected
unmineralized tuffite underlain by 18 metres of chlorite alteration and
sulphide stringers.

The down-plunge and up-dip extension of the Bracemac Zone was investigated
by drill holes BRC-07-43 and 44 respectively. Both holes limited the
extension of massive sulphides, however very well developed pipe alteration
with stringer sulphides over a width of 90 to 100 metres was encountered in
both holes and suggests a very robust hydrothermal system can be further
investigated for additional massive sulphides down plunge and to the east
of the known massive sulphides.

Reconnaissance drilling that targeted magnetic and EM anomalies at the Key
Tuffite elsewhere on the Bracemac property was conducted by drilling three
widely spaced holes, BRC-07-40, 45 and 48. These holes did not return
significant results.

McLeod Zone

One drill hole and two wedge holes were completed at McLeod targeting the
well developed mineralization encountered earlier in the program at the Key
Tuffite horizon. The two new wedge holes (MC-05-18W3 and W4) were drilled
to follow up the results previously reported from diamond drill hole
MC-05-18W2 that intersected 27.95 metres of 9.24% zinc, 0.99% copper, 26.1%
silver and 0.56g/t gold (see News Release dated June 14, 2007). MC-05-18W3
and MC-05-18W4 intersected the mineralized Key Tuffite 40 metres west and
50 metres up dip of MC-05-18W2 respectively. New drill hole MC-07-25
intersected 0.96 metres grading 35.6% zinc, 1.82% copper, 54.9 g/t silver
and 2.98 g/t gold, 100 metres up dip from MC-07-22 that intersected 5.04
metres of 19.30% zinc, 1.32% copper, 28.5 g/t silver and 0.75 g/t gold
(see News Release dated June 14, 2007).

Other Activities

The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) as part of the Abitibi TGI III
initiative ( released in early June
an extensive gravity survey covering large portions of the Matagami Camp,
the West Camp and the area between the two. A number of encouraging
gravity targets have been identified and, combined with whole-rock
geochemistry, suggest that the productive Key Tuffite stratigraphic package
may be close to surface in areas not previously explored. A Titan 24 ground
geophysical survey is underway over selected gravity targets.

About the Matagami Project

The Matagami Project has an area of mutual interest of 4,737 square
kilometres and presently includes 2794 mineral claims covering 717 square
kilometres. Taking advantage of Xstrata Zinc's extensive historical
database, Donner and Xstrata Zinc Canada (Xstrata Zinc) are using a
combination of 3D data integration, innovative advanced technologies, new
concepts and diamond drilling to explore for new deposits in this prolific
mining camp.

The Matagami Mining Camp is a world-class mining district, with 18 known
VMS deposits, including 10 past producers of varying sizes, including the
giant Mattagami Lake Deposit (25.64 million tonnes of 8.2% Zn, 0.56% Cu,
20.91 g/t Ag and 0.41 g/t Au) discovered in 1957 and mined from 1963 to
1988. The area is host to historical production of 8.6 billion pounds of
Zn and 853 million pounds of Cu and has established infrastructure
including the town of Matagami, a railway, a paved road, and a 2,600 t/day
mill owned by Xstrata Zinc.

Donner has the option to earn a 50% participating joint venture interest in
the Matagami Project by incurring a total of $20 to $23 million of
expenditures on exploration and related work on or before May 31, 2011.
Upon earn-in by Donner, five separate joint ventures will be formed,
covering the property and the area of interest. In each of the five joint
venture areas, Xstrata Zinc has the option to earn back a 15% interest in
each area by incurring up to $20 million on a feasibility study.

The Company's strategy is to explore for and discover zinc - copper
deposits in the Matagami Camp and to leverage the general infrastructure
and existing processing facilities within a known and well-established cost
structure for developing VMS deposits. Donner's exploration objective is to
investigate multiple stratigraphic horizons with potential for VMS
mineralization including the prolific Key Tuffite horizon throughout the
Matagami Camp. Donner has discovered new mineralization on the Bracemac
Property in the Upper Bracemac and Bracemac Zones and at the Key Tuffite
horizon in both the Bracemac and McLeod areas.

Supplementary Information

The field work on the Matagami Project is being carried out by project
operator Xstrata Zinc Canada who is responsible for the sampling, submittal
of samples for assay, assay verification and QA/QC. Assaying of samples
reported in this news release was carried out and certified by ALS
Chemex-Chimitec, of Val D'Or, Quebec (zinc, copper and silver by atomic
absorption, and gold by standard fire assay procedures). Sample preparation
was done by ALS Chemex of Val D'Or, Quebec. Robin Adair, VP of Exploration
for the Company is the Qualified Person responsible for the technical
information in this news release.


Harvey Keats, Chief Executive Officer

TABLE 1 - New Results 1) BRACEMAC

Key Tuffite Horizon,
UTM Angle/ name-
Location direc- Mine- Core
DDH NAD 83 tion ral length % % g/t g/t
(Depth) Zone 18 (True N) Type From To (metres) Zn Cu Ag Au
BRC-07-42 307509E, -62 KT-SM 298.3 300.3 2.0 9.09 0.19 18.2 0.18
(427m) 5506197N degrees/
BRC-07-46 307483E, -63 KT-MS 320.1 327.1 7.0 33.9 0.10 93.1 0.51
(438.7m) 5506162N degrees/
327.1 332.7 5.6 1.98 0.35 26.5 0.36
KT-MS 332.7 339.85 7.15 28.66 0.25 38.3 0.36
Total 320.1 339.85 19.75 22.95 0.22 54.4 0.41

BRC-07-47 307514E, -63 KT-MS 305.6 327.00 21.4 12.47 2.02 94.85 0.50
(511m) 5506130N degrees/

Bracemac and Upper Bracemac zones

UTM Angle/ name-
Location direc- Mine- Core
DDH NAD 83 tion ral length % % g/t g/t
(Depth) Zone 18 (True N) Type From To (metres) Zn Cu Ag Au
BRC-07-41 307367E, -45 UB No Significant Results
(196m) 5505887N degrees/
BRC-07-43 307227E, -54 B-S 100m of strongly
(445m) 5505805N degrees/ altered basalts with
0.17 sulphide stringers, no
degrees significant assay
BRC-07-44 307227E, -67 B-S 387.15 394.6 No significant
(574m) 5505805N degrees/ results - 99.4 metres
0.17 of strongly altered
degrees basalts

Stratigraphic holes drilled elsewhere on Bracemac property

UTM Angle/ name-
Location direc- Mine- Core
DDH NAD 83 tion ral length % % g/t g/t
(Depth) Zone 18 (True N) Type From To (metres) Zn Cu Ag Au
BRC-07-40 307879E, -58 KT No Significant Results
(636m) 5505678N degrees/
BRC-07-45 307587E, -45 KT No Significant Results
(541m) 5505756N degrees/
BRC-07-48 306126E, -70 KT No Significant Results
(598m) 5506729N degrees/

Horizon: KT equals Key Tuffite, B equals Bracemac Horizon and UB
equals Upper Bracemac Horizon.
Mineral Type: MS equals massive sulphides, SM equals semi-massive
sulphides, S equals stringer sulphides
True lengths (true widths) are anticipated to be 80% to 90% of the core


UTM Angle/ name-
Location direc- Mine- Core
DDH NAD 83 tion ral length % % g/t g/t
(Depth) Zone 18 (True N) Type From To (metres) Zn Cu Ag Au
MC-07-25 308266E, 68 KT-MS 700.56 701.52 0.96 35.6 1.82 54.9 2.98
(799m) 5504910N degrees/
MC-05- 308266E, -80 KT-SM 836.30 845.70 9.40 6.48 0.39 21.8 0.44
18W3 5504910N degrees/
(950m) 037
MC-05- 308266E, -80 KT-MS 796.78 808.20 11.42 8.91 1.88 56.4 1.35
18W4 5504910N degrees/
(937m) 037

Horizon: KT equals Key Tuffite.
Mineral Type: MS equals massive sulphides, SM equals semi-massive sulphides
True lengths (true widths) are anticipated to be 80% of the core lengths.

Note: Holes MC-05-18W2, 3 and 4 are wedge cuts from a single pilot hole,
designed to produce a 50 metre separation at the Key Tuffite. DDH
MC-05-18W1 has not been reported as it failed to reach the Key Tuffite due
to mechanical problems and subsequently abandoned. The collar information
is the same for each wedge cut.

Summary of Significant Drill Results
DDH Mineral length % % g/t g/t
(Depth) Type From To (metres) Zn Cu Ag Au
Bracemac - Key Tuffite Zone
BRC-07-38(i) MS 392.4 393.70 1.3 11.41 0.26 27.1 0.02
BRC-07-42 MS 298.30 300.30 2.00 9.09 0.18 18.2 0.18
BRC-07-46 MS 320.10 339.85 19.75 22.95 0.22 54.4 0.41
BRC-07-47 MS 305.6 327.00 21.4 12.47 2.02 94.85 0.50
Bracemac - Bracemac Zone
BRC-06-26(i) MS 314.00 330.00 16.00 9.12 1.21 21.6 0.24
BRC-06-27(i) MS 355.00 363.80 8.80 13.98 3.69 38.9 0.48
BRC-07-28(i) MS 335.80 342.70 6.90 9.83 0.90 13.3 0.18
BRC-07-30(i) MS 279.00 288.90 9.90 8.95 1.17 31.5 0.18
BRC-07-32(i) SM 320.70 341.95 21.25 2.99 1.98 22.6 0.51
Bracemac-Upper Bracemac Zone
BRC-07-30(i) SMS 192.90 195.20 2.30 10.08 0.49 22.8 0.10
BRC-07-31(i) MS 105.60 114.90 9.30 12.13 0.70 33.4 0.19
BRC-07-35(i) MS 87.70 90.50 2.80 10.70 0.41 37.6 0.28
BRC-07-39(i) MS 119.60 123.10 3.50 9.02 0.56 26.7 0.21

New McLeod

DDH Mineral length % % g/t g/t
(Depth) Type From To (metres) Zn Cu Ag Au
MC-07-22(i) MS 754.53 759.57 5.04 19.30 1.32 28.5 0.75
MC-07-25 MS 700.56 701.52 0.96 35.6 1.82 54.9 2.98
MC-05-18W2(i) MS 828.05 856.00 27.95 9.24 0.99 26.1 0.56
MC-05-18W3 MS 836.30 845.70 9.40 6.48 0.39 21.8 0.44
MC-05-18W4 MS 796.78 808.20 11.42 8.91 1.88 56.4 1.35
(i) denotes results previously released in 2007

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Donner Metals Ltd.
Harvey Keats
Chief Executive Officer
(604) 683-0564 or Toll Free: 1-800-909-8311
(604) 602-9311 (FAX)

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