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Algemeen advies 06/10/2007 13:11
Bij deze mail is een persbericht van Skyline Diagnostics BV (Rotterdam) bijgesloten. Dit bedrijf ontwikkeld nieuwe diagnostische producten voor patiënten met kanker waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van microarray technologie. Dit stelt de arts in staat een hele nauwkeurige diagnose te stellen en de meest geschikte therapie voor de individuele patiënt vast te kunnen stellen. Het eerste product voor Acute Myeloide Leukemie wordt in 2008 verwacht. Momenteel zijn er nog twee producten voor hersentumoren en de ziekte van Kahler in ontwikkeling.

Skyline Diagnostics B.V. announced today the successful closure of its Series A financing round. The investors syndicate participating in this financing is formed by the Erasmus MC Biomedical Fund and LSP (Life Sciences Partners).

Skyline Diagnostics is a spin-off company from the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam. The company develops and commercializes diagnostic tools for cancer using microarray technology. The diagnostic device furnishes a genomic fingerprint of the tumor that permits a precise diagnosis and a predictive assessment of the individual’s prognosis. The company currently has three products in its development pipeline: biochips for acute myeloid leukemia, brain tumors and multiple myeloma (Kahler’s disease).

Dr. Henk Viëtor, CEO of Skyline Diagnostics: “We very pleased to have two experienced venture capital investors like LSP and the Erasmus MC Biomedical Fund investing in our company. This will enable Skyline to fulfill its ambitions to take the next essential steps in bringing its first product, the AML Biochip, to the market. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common form of leukemia. This product will provide clinicians new insights in the prognosis and course of the disease.”

“We are excited to be making this investment in Skyline Diagnostics, which we believe is one of the most promising companies in its field today” says Tom Schwarz, partner at the Erasmus MC Biomedical Fund. “The combination of world class science, experienced management and strong financial backing will allow the company to successfully develop and market its diagnostic products. I am personally looking forward to working closely with the management team as a new member of the company’s Supervisory Board.”

Dr. John de Koning, investment manager at LSP and member of Skyline Diagnostics’ Supervisory Board: “Skyline Diagnostics is a frontrunner in implementing microarray diagnostics in clinical practice. Building on the company’s expertise and broad scientific and clinical network, we expect Skyline Diagnostics to be in an excellent position to successfully bring its products to the market, creating long-term value. We are delighted to be able to support the Company and its management team in attaining this goal.” LSP will invest from its Seed Fund that is supported by TechnoPartner, a Dutch agency of the Department of Economic Affairs.

About Skyline Diagnostics
Skyline Diagnostics develops and commercializes diagnostic products for cancer using gene expression profiling. This technology enables scientists to study the activity of nearly the complete human genome in one single experiment and can provide the clinician new insight in the development and prognosis of disease and the response to treatment. The company collaborates closely with several departments of the Erasmus MC to ensure disease expertise and new diagnostic signatures. Skyline was founded in 2005 by the inventors (Departments of Hematology and Bio-informatics) of the gene expression profile for AML (including Prof. dr. B. Löwenberg, CSO of the company) and dr. Henk Viëtor (CEO). Skyline has close collaborations with several academic and industrial partners including Affymetrix (Santa Clara, USA) and holds a Powered by AffymetrixTM (PbA) licensing deal for several cancer indications. In 2007, Skyline received the BioBusiness “Start-up of the Year Award”. The company aims to launch the first product (the AML Biochip) in 2008. More information is available on

About the Erasmus MC Biomedical Fund
The Erasmus MC Biomedical Fund is an independent venture capital fund focusing on early stage companies and (university) spin-outs in the biotechnology and biomedical field with a presence in the Rotterdam region. The fund targets companies that are developing commercially promising products and technologies in life sciences, including: pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, information technology and other high technology opportunities that offer venture capital returns. More information about the fund is available on

About LSP
LSP (Life Sciences Partners) is a leading independent European venture capital firm, providing private equity financing to early- to mid-stage life-science companies. Since the late 1980s, LSP’s management has invested in a large number of highly innovative enterprises, many of which have grown to become leaders of the global life-science industry. For example, LSP was a founding investor in Crucell, DNage, Qiagen, Rhein Biotech and Pharming. With EUR 400 million under management and offices in Amsterdam, Munich and Boston, LSP is one of Europe’s largest and most experienced specialist life-science investors. Further information on LSP is available at

Skyline Diagnostics BV
Henk Viëtor
Dr. Molewaterplein 50, room EE 19-73
3015 GE Rotterdam

The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0) 10 408 70 76
Fax: +31 (0) 10 408 74 31

Mobile: +31 (0) 6 55 816 195


Erasmus MC Biomedical Fund
Tom Schwarz
Dr. Molewaterplein 5, room EE 19-14
Postbus 2040
3000 CA Rotterdam
Tel: + 31 (0) 6 532 792 43

John de Koning
Johannes Vermeerplein 9
1071 DV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0) 20 664 55 00
Fax: +31 (0) 20 676 88 10


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