Atos Origin, Third quarter 2009 revenue at EUR 1 229 million

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Algemeen advies 16/10/2009 07:03
Organic decrease of -5.6 per cent
Net debt reduced to EUR 293 million
2009 Objectives confirmed
• Year-to-date revenue at EUR 3 818 million ; a slight organic decrease of -3.4 per
cent compared to 2008;
• Net debt reduced to EUR 293 million compared to EUR 409 million on
30 September 2008 ;
• Year-to-date order entries at EUR 4 billion, up +5 per cent compared to last
year; book to bill ratio at 104 per cent;
• Roll-out of the TOP Program.
PARIS –16 October 2009 – Today, Atos Origin, an international IT services company, reported revenue of EUR 1 229 million for the third quarter 2009 representing a decrease of -5.6 per cent at same scope and same exchange rates. Year-to-date 2009 revenue reached EUR 3 818 million
representing an organic decrease of -3.4 per cent.
Thierry Breton – Chairman and CEO of Atos Origin declared: “During the third quarter we continued to apply the operational discipline which is mandatory for the good execution of the TOP program.
Thanks to the first results observed, I am confident in the capability of the Company to reach its objectives this year and to pursue its operating margin improvement by 2011. In the meantime, the Group has started to redefine its offerings portfolio with a strong focus on innovation and with the
involvement of its new Scientific Committee in order to help its clients in the transformation of their information systems.”
2008 proforma revenue excludes the changes in scope related to the disposals made in 2008: AEMS in the third quarter, Thailand, Mexico and Technical Automation in The Netherlands in the fourth quarter, representing a total of EUR 34 million. It also excludes the impact from exchange rates
mainly due to the fall of the British pound compared to the Euro, representing a total of EUR 18 million.
During the third quarter this year, the Managed Operations activities (Managed Services, High Technology Transactional Services and Medical BPO) reported revenue of EUR 740 million, up organically by +3.6 per cent compared to the third quarter last year.
Revenue for Consulting and Systems Integration activities reached EUR 488 million, representing an organic decrease of -16.7 per cent compared to the same period in 2008.
In EUR million Q3 2009 Q3 2008
proforma % change
Revenue at constant scope and exchange rates 1 229 1 301 -5.6%

2008 proforma revenue excludes the changes in scope related to the disposals made in 2008: AEMS in the third quarter, Thailand, Mexico and Technical Automation in The Netherlands in the fourth quarter, representing a total of EUR 34 million. It also excludes the impact from exchange rates
mainly due to the fall of the British pound compared to the Euro, representing a total of EUR 18 million.
During the third quarter this year, the Managed Operations activities (Managed Services, High Technology Transactional Services and Medical BPO) reported revenue of EUR 740 million, up organically by +3.6 per cent compared to the third quarter last year.
Revenue for Consulting and Systems Integration activities reached EUR 488 million, representing an organic decrease of -16.7 per cent compared to the same period in 2008.

Commercial activity
Total order entries for the first nine months of 2009 reached EUR 4 billion up by +5 per cent compared to the same period last year. The book to bill ratio was 104 per cent year-to-date compared to 96 per cent last year, thanks to a higher volume of sales in Managed Operations. By service line, the book to bill ratio was 96 per cent for Consulting (99 per cent as at 30 September
2008), 96 per cent in Systems Integration (98 per cent in 2008) and 110 per cent in Managed Services (97 per cent in 2008) and 130 per cent for High Technology Transactional Services (97 per cent in 2008).
During the third quarter, the order entries were EUR 1 088 million representing a book to bill ratio of 88 per cent, same as for the third quarter last year.
Contract signatures in the third quarter 2009 include:
�� The Netherlands - Managed Services contracts with Univé-VGZ-IZA-Trias in Financial services and Norfolkline in Transport,
�� United Kingdom - Managed Services contracts with the Home Office in Public sector and Network Rail in Transport and a Systems Integration contract with Go Ahead Group also in Transport,
�� France - Managed Services contracts with Vivendi Group in Media and in Systems Integration with EDF in Energy and Utilities and Ministère de l’Intérieur in Public sector,
�� Germany / Central Europe - renewal of the Managed Services contracts with
Zumtobel in Austria and Lekkerland in the manufacturing and retail sectors
�� Belgium - Systems Integration contract in the Public sector with an European
�� Spain - Consulting contract in the aeronautics industry;
�� Atos Worldline renewed its contracts with LCH Clearnet and Comdirect as well as signing new contracts for e-services with a major retail group and with a national railways network.

At 30 September 2009, the full backlog was EUR 7.3 billion representing 1.4 year of revenue.
The full qualified pipeline was EUR 2.8 billion at 30 September 2009, an increase up +10 per cent compared to the end of September last year thanks mainly to Managed Operations.

Net debt
Group net debt on 30 September 2009 was reduced to EUR 293 million compared to EUR 409 million at the end of September last year and EUR 328 million on 30 June 2009.
This reduction is the result of strong actions led by the TOP Program in order to decrease the working capital. A stronger focus on collections of receivables has reduced the Group DSO by 7 days compared to September 2008.
A tighter management control of capital expenditure has been reinforced. As a result, the level of capital expenditure has been reduced by around EUR 40 million compared to September 2008.
The reorganisation and rationalisation program resulted in a cash outflow of EUR 102 million for the first nine months of the year.
As decided, a scheme for variable remuneration based on half-year objectives has been implemented at the beginning of the year and resulted, for the first half of 2009, in a cash outflow of EUR 44 million in the third quarter 2009.
The reduction of net debt during the third quarter by EUR 35 million includes these EUR 44 million.

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