LBi shareholders voted yes to the merger with Obtineo to create Europe's largest marketing and technology agency

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Algemeen advies 26/04/2010 18:34
Obtineo is a combination of Bigmouthmedia, the largest search engine marketing specialist in Europe, and €40m of new capital committed towards global expansion of the combined entity.
The Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of LBI International AB (publ) ("LBi") resolved on 26 April 2010 upon:

Approval of the merger plan regarding merger with Obtineo Netherlands Holding N.V.

The EGM resolved to approve the merger plan regarding the merger between LBi and Obtineo Netherlands Holding N.V. ("Obtineo"), dated 24 February 2010, with a majority of over 99.99 per cent. The merger plan has been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office ("Bolagsverket") on 8 March 2010 and was published in the Official Swedish Gazette on 10 March 2010.

According to the merger plan, the merger shall be undertaken by way of absorption, with Obtineo as the absorbing company and LBi as the transferring company. The exchange ratio for the merger consideration has been determined in such way that each share in LBi shall be exchanged for one share in Obtineo.

Upon execution of the merger deed by a Dutch notary, which is expected to take place in July 2010, LBi will cease to exist and Obtineo will acquire the assets and liabilities of LBi under a universal title of succession. Settlement of the merger consideration is expected to take place following the registration of the merger by Bolagsverket. No cash payment will be made to the shareholders of LBi pursuant to the exchange ratio for the shares.

Stockholm on 26 April 2010
LBI International AB (publ)

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