Homburg Invest Inc. Announcement

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Algemeen advies 25/09/2010 09:13
Shares issued Class A - 17,094,489 Class B - 3,148,538
HALIFAX, Nova Scotia. September 24, 2010 - (TSX: HII.A & HII.B and NYSE Euronext Amsterdam: HII) - The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) today published an announcement on its website according to which a request for information had been issued to Homburg Invest Inc. (HII) on 29 April 2010 which had not been complied with in full within the 10-day compliance period. HII disputes the assertion that it only provided part of the information requested by the AFM. HII is of the opinion that it provided the AFM with all the information requested within the compliance period and it therefore intends to lodge an appeal with the Rotterdam district court against this measure. The fact that the AFM holds the view that only part of the requested information was provided is associated in particular with the notably vague way in which a number of questions were phrased in the request for information (in legal terms: the request for information was insufficiently specific and defined). For example, the AFM had requested an organizational chart of the group to which HII belongs. HII subsequently provided such an organizational chart within the stated deadline, noting that a certain part of the group structure allows for the conversion of shares into depositary receipts. Because the relevant notarial deeds relating to the issue of depositary receipts were not included along with the response to the request to provide an organizational chart, the AFM is of the opinion that the request for information was not complied with in full. It is inconceivable to HII that a reasonably acting regulator should avail itself of instruments of regulation, compliance and enforcement in the manner currently demonstrated by the AFM. HII complies with the laws and regulations applicable to it as an investment institution in the Netherlands and Canada. HII continues to aspire to good relations with the AFM in its capacity as regulator.

Homburg Invest Inc. owns and develops a diversified portfolio of quality commercial real estate including office, retail, industrial and development properties throughout Europe and the United States, as well as 41.3% of the units of Homburg Canada Real Estate Investment Trust. The head office of the Company is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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