ProSiebenSat1 bericht.

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Algemeen advies 21/11/2010 11:01
The third quarter at a glance. The ProSiebenSat.1 Group exceeded its strong performance of the first two quarters by achieving further growth in revenues and earnings. Compared to the third quarter of last year, consolidated revenues increased by 12.0 percent, to EUR 626.9 million, and
recurring EB ITDA increased by 64.3 percent, to EUR 154.9 million. The positive trend of revenues and earnings continued across all segments. In particular, the Group’s most important segment, German-speaking Free TV, again achieved considerable gains.
> Our goals for 2010 at a glance. The ProSiebenSat.1 Group had a good start into the fourth quarter, which is typically the most important quarter for the business of a TV Group. Although revenue growth in the final quarter of 2010 is not expected to match the strong growth rates of the preceding
quarters, the Group anticipates that recurring EB ITDA for the full year 2010 will rise significantly.
The goal is to capitalize on the performance of the Group’s TV stations in the audience market at appropriate prices and further diversify revenue sources.
> ProSiebenSat.1 at a glance. We produce TV for viewers in 78 million households. We inform and entertain every day, everywhere, at all times: On 31 TV channels. In 14 countries of Europe. Aside from classical media like TV, radio and print, we are also focusing on digital distribution channels
like the Internet and are expanding our portfolio through diversification into related areas like music. Our passion and our enthusiasm are the key to our success. That is what makes us the second-biggest media group in Europe.

The ProSiebenSat.1 share on the stock market.
The upward trend of the ProSiebenSat.1 share, which is included in the German MDAX index, continued in the third quarter of 2010.
The share closed the third quarter at EUR 17.43, representing an increase of more than 110 percent compared to the closing price of EUR 8.13 on the first trading day of 2010. The ProSiebenSat.1 share performed significantly better than comparable indexes: on September 30, the DAX closed 2.9 percent higher and the MDAX closed 14.2 percent higher than their respective levels at the beginning of the year. The relevant sector index for European
media stocks, the Euro Stoxx Media index, lost 0.97 percent of its value in the first nine months of 2010.
The ProSiebenSat.1 Group pre-released its Q2 results in an ad hoc disclosure dated July 26, 2010, because the company had exceeded market expectations. On that day, the company’s share price rose by 12.35 percent to EUR 13.96 (July 23: EUR 12.43). In response to the company’s good financials and positive outlook, stock analysts raised their share price targets
until the end of the third quarter, on average to EUR 17.50. The highest target price was at EUR 21. This gave an additional impetus to the ProSiebenSat.1 share. The share reached its high for the year to date of EUR 17.61 on September 29, 2010.

Future development of revenues and earnings. According to Nielsen Media Research, the Group’s ten leading TV advertising customers in Germany increased their gross advertising investments on the TV station portfolio of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group by 15.3 percent in the months from January to September 2010. In addition, the Group has acquired numerous new customers, which also contributed to significant growth in its TV advertising revenues
in the first three quarters of 2010. The ProSiebenSat.1 Group generates about one third of its annual revenues in the traditionally strongest fourth quarter of the year, because both TV usage and consumers' willingness to spend in the Christmas season. The bookings of our German TV stations in the month of October were again higher than they were last year in October. Against this background, we anticipate that the positive revenue trend of the Free TV German-speaking segment will continue in the fourth quarter, although the
growth rates in the fourth quarter of 2010 will probably not reach the level of the preceding quarters, due to prior-year comparison effects.
From today’s perspective, the majority of indicators suggest that the generally stronger advertising demand that prevails at the present time will continue, also in most of our international TV markets. We currently assume that only in Eastern Europe continued difficult economic conditions will dampen the advertising customers’ willingness to invest.
Although the fourth quarter is not expected to reach the high revenue growth level of the preceding quarters due to the more challenging prior-year figures especially in the German core market, the ProSiebenSat.1 Group anticipates that recurring EB ITDA will rise significantly on a full year basis. In doing so we will continue to capitalize on the performance of the Group’s TV stations at appropriate prices and further diversify revenue sources. Measures
taken to achieve this goal include the sale of advertising time in exchange for a share of revenues, as well as the Group’s entry into the business of artist management, the expansion of online offerings and the refinancing of TV programming content via royalties. Expected financial position and performance. We expect to further reduce the Group’s net financial debt of currently EUR 3.284 billion by the end of 2010. The improved earnings performance can be expected to have a positive effect on the Group’s liquidity and therefore also on its future net financial debt.

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november 22 2010
tijd 17.14
De DAX 6.811,98 -0,46%. ProSiebenSat1 gaat gewoon door met haar stijging EUR 21,195 +63 ct en 576.000 sts omzet.

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