Pharmaceutical Market Trends, 2010 - 2014

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Algemeen advies 19/02/2011 11:40
Key market forecasts & growth opportunities presents a detailed trend analysis of the global pharmaceutical market to the end of 2009 and forecasts until 2014. This 142 page report, from URCH Publishing, presents a series of market forecasts and growth opportunities in order to help inform pharmaceutical decision-making, particularly in the areas of corporate planning, portfolio management and market forecasting.

The report is divided into five key sections. Chapters 2-5 present historical trends for key pharmaceutical markets, key therapy areas, key products and key companies. The final report chapter outlines future pharmaceutical trends and key growth opportunities.

The data and analysis contained within the report are derived from Delphi Pharma, Company Trends Database to provide a comprehensive, consistent and up-to-date single-point reference for understanding key pharmaceutical market trends in 2010.

“The global pharmaceutical market grew to $808 billion in 2009, at a compound annual growth rate of 9.3% between 1999 and 2009. Year-on-year growth in the global pharmaceutical market decreased to 4.6% in 2009, largely as a result of cost containment in the US and major European markets and the impact of several blockbuster patent expiries in 2008 and 2009.”

Findings from the report include:
125 pharmaceutical drugs generated more than $1billion in global sales. The top 100 blockbuster drugs generated sales of US$285.
The top 10 companies ranked by pharmaceutical sales generated total sales of $317 billion.
The global pharmaceutical market is forecast to grow to $1,033 billion in 2014, an equivalent CAGR of 5.0% over the next five years.
The leading therapy areas by global pharmaceutical sales in 2009 were CNS with a 15.8% market share and cardiovascular with 14.5%.
The CNS pharmaceutical market will decrease from $127.8 billion in 2009 to $118.5 billion in 2014, a CAGR of -1.5%.
In 2009 there were a total of 14 cardiovascular blockbuster products with combined sales amounting to $50.7 billion.
The US pharmaceutical market grew by 3.0% in 2009 to $300.3 billion with highest growth in mail services and clinics.
The major five Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK, together accounted for over 60% of all European pharmaceutical sales in 2009.
Pfizer had the greatest number of blockbuster products in 2009 with 14, which includes five inherited through the acquisition of Wyeth.

Comprehensive guidance on market trends for key countries, regions, therapy areas, products and companies.
Country profiles for leading pharma markets with market segment trends and five year forecasts.
Therapy area profiles for leading classes, Alimentary/metabolism, Antineoplastic/immunomodulatory, Anti-infectives market, CNS, Cardiovascular and Respiratory market with key products and sales forecasts.
Detailed profiles of 10 leading pharmaceutical and biotech products in 2009, including five year future sales forecasts.
Detailed profiles of 10 leading pharmaceutical companies in 2009, including 2014 sales forecasts.(AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers-Squibb, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson and Johnson, Merck & Co, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis Wyeth).

1. Rapidly gain an overview into the global and regional pharmaceutical market and the top 10 companies and products.
2. Find the new areas of pharmaceutical market growth and key opportunities for delivering successful sales growth over the next five years.
3. Support internal planning and decision-making with an external perspective founded on detailed analysis and transparent market forecasts.

The report methodology provides a detailed but transparent analysis of key pharmaceutical market trends, including key markets, therapy areas, products and companies. Historical trends are formed over a three-year time horizon and future forecasts are made using a five-year future time period. Thus, the data and analysis relate to the nine-year time horizon from 2005 to 2014.

Two proprietary sources provide the key data from which all company and product analysis has been conducted. In association with URCH Publishing, Delphi Pharma’s Product Trends Database and Company Trends Database maintain historical and forecast data for the top 125 drug brands and the leading 59 pharmaceutical companies each of which generated more than US$1 billion in global pharmaceutical sales in 2009.


Key global markets
Key therapeutic markets
Key products
Key companies
Key trends and opportunities

Chapter 1. Introduction
Global pharmaceutical market
Report overview


Chapter 2. Key global markets
Key pharmaceutical markets

US pharmaceutical market
US purchasing channels
US market leaders
European pharmaceutical market

European purchasing channels
Japanese pharmaceutical market

Chapter 3. Key therapeutic markets
Key therapy areas

Key product classes
CNS therapy area

CNS blockbusters
Cardiovascular therapy area
Cardiovascular blockbusters
Alimentary/metabolism therapy area

Alimentary/metabolism blockbusters
Antineoplastic/immunomodulatory therapy area
Antineoplastic/immunomodulatory blockbusters
Anti-infectives therapy area

Anti-infectives blockbusters
Respiratory therapy area

Respiratory blockbusters

Chapter 4. Key products
Leading products

Lipitor (atorvastatin)
Plavix/Iscover (clopidogrel)
Seretide/Advair (fluticasone/salmeterol)
Remicade (infliximab)
Enbrel (etanercept)
Diovan/Co-Diovan (valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide)
Avastin (bevacizumab)
Rituxan (rituximab)
Humira (adalimumab)
Seroquel (quetiapine)
Blockbuster trends
Blockbusters by drug type
Blockbusters by therapy area
Blockbusters by company

Chapter 5. Key companies
Major pharmaceutical companies

Major company financials
Major company locations
Top 10 pharmaceutical companies

Top 10 company financials
Top 10 company value drivers
Leading pharmaceutical companies

Merck & Co
Johnson and Johnson
Eli Lilly
Bristol-Myers Squibb

Chapter 6. Key trends and opportunities
Global market forecasts

The US market
The European market
The Japanese market
Other markets
Key therapy area forecasts
CNS market
Cardiovascular market
Alimentary/metabolism market
Antineoplastic/immunomodulatory market
Anti-infectives market
Respiratory market
Key product forecasts

Lipitor (atorvastatin)
Plavix/Iscover (clopidogrel)
Seretide/Advair (fluticasone/salmeterol)
Remicade (infliximab)
Enbrel (etanercept)
Diovan/Co-Diovan (valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide)
Avastin (bevacizumab)
Rituxan/MabThera (rituximab)
Humira (adalimumab)
Seroquel (quetiapine)
Key company forecasts

Merck & Co
Johnson and Johnson
Eli Lilly
Bristol-Myers Squibb


Proprietary data sources
Product Trends Database
Company Trends Database
Top 125 pharmaceutical products
Top 59 pharmaceutical companies

Figure 1: Global pharmaceutical market, 1999-2009
Figure 2: Report structure
Figure 3: Global pharmaceutical market share by region, 2009
Figure 4: Global pharmaceutical market by region, 2005-2009
Figure 5: US pharmaceutical market, 2005-2009
Figure 6: US pharmaceutical market share by purchasing channel, 2009
Figure 7: US pharmaceutical market by purchasing channel, 2005-2009
Figure 8: Top 10 products by US pharmaceutical sales, 2009
Figure 9: Top 10 companies by US pharmaceutical sales, 2009
Figure 10: Top 10 companies by share of US pharmaceutical sales, 2009
Figure 11: European pharmaceutical market, 2003-2009
Figure 12: European pharmaceutical market share by country, 2009
Figure 13: European pharmaceutical market by purchasing channel, 2009
Figure 14: Japanese pharmaceutical market, 2003-2009
Figure 15: Global pharmaceutical market by therapy area, 2009
Figure 16: Top 10 product classes by global pharmaceutical sales, 2009
Figure 17: CNS pharmaceutical market, 2005-2009
Figure 18: Cardiovascular pharmaceutical market, 2005-2009
Figure 19: Alimentary/metabolism pharmaceutical market, 2005-2009
Figure 20: Antineoplastic/immunomodulatory pharmaceutical market, 2008-2009
Figure 21: Anti-infectives pharmaceutical market, 2005-2009
Figure 22: Respiratory pharmaceutical market, 2005-2009
Figure 23: Blockbuster drug sales share by drug type, 2009
Figure 24: Blockbuster drug sales share by lifecycle stage, 2009
Figure 25: Blockbuster drug sales share by therapy area, 2009
Figure 26: Blockbuster drug sales share by company, 2009
Figure 27: Major companies pharmaceutical sales, 2007-2009
Figure 28: Major companies revenue share allocation, 2009
Figure 29: Major companies revenue allocation, 2007-2009
Figure 30: Major companies pharmaceutical sales by location, 2009
Figure 31: Top 10 pharma companies pharmaceutical sales, 2007-2009
Figure 32: Top 10 pharma companies by global pharmaceutical sales, 2009
Figure 33: Top 10 biotechnology companies by global revenues, 2009
Figure 34: Top 10 pharma companies revenue share allocation, 2009
Figure 35: Top 10 pharma companies revenue allocation, 2007-2009
Figure 36: Key value drivers for top 10 pharma companies (income), 2009
Figure 37: Key value drivers for top 10 pharma companies (sales), 2009
Figure 38: Key value drivers for top 10 pharma companies (sales/R&D), 2009
Figure 39: Pfizer therapy area sales, 2007-2009
Figure 40: Sanofi-Aventis blockbuster therapy area sales, 2007-2009
Figure 41: Novartis therapy area sales, 2007-2009
Figure 42: GlaxoSmithKline therapy area sales, 2007-2009
Figure 43: Roche therapy area sales, 2007-2009
Figure 44: AstraZeneca therapy area sales, 2007-2009
Figure 45: Merck & Co blockbuster therapy area sales, 2007-2009
Figure 46: Johnson and Johnson blockbuster therapy area sales, 2007-2009
Figure 47: Eli Lilly therapy area sales, 2007-2009
Figure 48: Bristol-Myers Squibb blockbuster therapy area sales, 2007-2009
Figure 49: Global pharmaceutical market forecast, 2005-2014
Figure 50: Global pharmaceutical market forecast by regions, 2005-2014
Figure 51: Top 10 pharmaceutical drugs by forecast sales, 2014
Figure 52: Lipitor (atorvastatin) forecast sales, 2007-2014
Figure 53: Plavix/Iscover (clopidogrel) forecast sales, 2007-2014
Figure 54: Seretide/Advair (fluticasone/salmeterol) forecast sales, 2007-2014
Figure 55: Remicade (infliximab) forecast sales, 2007-2014
Figure 56: Enbrel (etanercept) forecast sales, 2007-2014
Figure 57: Diovan/Co-Diovan (valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide) forecast sales, 2007-2014
Figure 58: Avastin (bevacizumab) forecast sales, 2007-2014
Figure 59: Rituxan/MabThera (rituximab) forecast sales, 2007-2014
Figure 60: Humira (adalimumab) forecast sales, 2007-2014
Figure 61: Seroquel (quetiapine) forecast sales, 2007-2014

Table 1: Global pharmaceutical market trends by region, 2007-2009
Table 2: US pharmaceutical market trends by purchasing channel, 2007-2009
Table 3: Top 10 products trends by US pharmaceutical sales, 2007-2009
Table 4: Global pharmaceutical market trends by therapy area, 2007-2009
Table 5: Top 10 product classes trends by global pharmaceutical sales, 2007-2009
Table 6: CNS blockbuster drug sales, 2007-2009
Table 7: Cardiovascular blockbuster drug sales, 2005-2009
Table 8: Alimentary/metabolism blockbuster drug sales, 2007-2009
Table 9: Antineoplastic/immunomodulatory blockbuster drug sales, 2007-2009
Table 10: Anti-infectives blockbuster drug sales, 2007-2009
Table 11: Respiratory blockbuster drug sales, 2007-2009
Table 12: Top 20 products by global pharmaceutical sales, 2007-2009
Table 13: Lipitor (atorvastatin) profile, 2009
Table 14: Plavix/Iscover (clopidogrel) profile, 2009
Table 15: Seretide/Advair (fluticasone/salmeterol) profile, 2009
Table 16: Remicade (infliximab) profile, 2009
Table 17: Enbrel (etanercept) profile, 2009
Table 18: Diovan/Co-Diovan (valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide) profile, 2009
Table 19: Avastin (bevacizumab) profile, 2009
Table 20: Rituxan (rituximab) profile, 2009
Table 21: Humira (adalimumab) profile, 2009
Table 22: Seroquel (quetiapine) profile, 2009
Table 23: Top 10 blockbuster products by global pharmaceutical sales growth, 2007-2009
Table 24: Top 10 blockbuster products by declining global pharmaceutical sales, 2007-2009
Table 25: New blockbuster products, 2007-2009
Table 26: Major companies revenue allocation trends, 2007-2009
Table 27: Top 10 pharma companies by global pharmaceutical sales, 2007-2009
Table 28: Top 10 biotechnology companies by global revenues, 2007-2009
Table 29: Top 10 pharma companies revenue allocation trends, 2007-2009
Table 30: Pfizer profile, 2009
Table 31: Pfizer blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 32: Wyeth blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 33: Sanofi-Aventis profile, 2009
Table 34: Sanofi-Aventis blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 35: Novartis profile, 2009
Table 36: Novartis blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 37: GlaxoSmithKline profile, 2009
Table 38: GlaxoSmithKline blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 39: Roche profile, 2009
Table 40: Roche blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 41: Genentech blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 42: AstraZeneca profile, 2009
Table 43: AstraZeneca blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 44: Merck & Co profile, 2009
Table 45: Merck & Co blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 46: Schering-Plough blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 47: Johnson and Johnson profile, 2009
Table 48: Johnson and Johnson blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 49: Eli Lilly profile, 2009
Table 50: Eli Lilly blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 51: Bristol-Myers Squibb profile, 2009
Table 52: Bristol-Myers Squibb blockbuster sales, 2007-2009
Table 53: Global pharmaceutical market forecast by regions, 2005-2014
Table 54: Global pharmaceutical market forecast by therapy area, 2009-2014
Table 55: Top 10 pharmaceutical drugs forecast, 2007-2014
Table 56: Top 10 pharmaceutical companies forecast, 2009-2014
Table 57: Top 125 products by global pharmaceutical sales, 2007-2009
Table 58: Top 59 companies by global pharmaceutical sales, 2007-2009

Steven Seget is Principal at Delphi Pharma, and provides independent strategic consulting services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Steven previously managed the strategic healthcare consulting function at Datamonitor and has an MBA from the London Business School.

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