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Algemeen advies 21/02/2011 14:11
On 4 February 2011, Accsys announced the details of a proposed share issue to raise gross proceeds of €30 million (approximately €28 million net of expenses) by the issue of 200,000,000 New Ordinary Shares through a Firm Placing and Placing and Open Offer at the price of €0.15 per New Ordinary Share.
The Group's growth strategy is to continue to pursue licensing opportunities but also to focus on increasing the Company's own Accoya® sale and production capability in order to realise the potential benefits resulting from the expected increase in the demand for Accoya®.

Net proceeds of the Firm Placing and Placing and Open Offer will be used to meet the short-term working capital requirements and on-going operating costs of the Group and to meet the costs of construction relating to the expansion of the Arnhem plant.

As this additional capacity is utilised, it is expected that the Group will move to a position of sustained profitability without any contribution from licence income being required.

Commenting on the result of the Firm Placing and Placing and Open Offer, Paul Clegg, CEO of Accsys, said:

"The success of this fundraising endorses and validates our investment proposition. We will focus on ensuring that the expansion of the Arnhem plant goes to plan, revenues from increased sales of Accoya® are achieved and relationships with potential licensees of our technology are further cemented.

The money raised by the Firm Placing and Placing and Open Offer enables us to progress enthusiastically with our strategy of growing Accsys into a global market leader, with the aim of long-term profitability and shareholder returns."

Results of Firm Placing and Placing and Open Offer:

· The Open Offer has now closed in accordance with its terms. Accsys is delighted to announce that it has received valid acceptances under the Open Offer in respect of 94.1 per cent. of the Open Offer Shares from Qualifying Shareholders.

· All valid applications for additional New Shares under the Excess Application Facility were accepted.

Accordingly, the remaining 5,916,369 Open Offer Shares, representing 5.9% of the Open Offer Shares have been allocated to certain institutional shareholders and other investors with whom they had been conditionally placed by Numis Securities Limited and Matrix Corporate Capital LLP.
· In addition to the 100,301,264 New Ordinary Shares to be issued under the Placing and Open Offer, a further 99,698,736 New Ordinary Shares will be issued through the Firm Placing.

The Firm Placing and Placing and Open Offer remain conditional upon the Placing Agreement becoming unconditional in all respects and not having been terminated in accordance with its terms prior to Admission, and Admission becoming effective by 9.00 a.m. (Central European Time) on 22 February 2011 (or such later time and/or date as the Company and Numis determine).

New Ordinary Shares in uncertificated form are expected to be credited to CREST accounts (in respect of Qualifying CREST shareholders) and to Euroclear accounts of Admitted Institutions (in respect of Qualifying Euronext Shareholders) by 09.00 a.m. (Central European Time) on 22nd February 2011. Definitive share certificates for the New Ordinary Shares in certificated form are expected to be dispatched within three days of Admission.

The issued share capital of Accsys following Admission (including the 2,500,000 Ordinary Shares to be issued to an Employee Benefit Trust, as set out in the prospectus) will be 403,102,528 Ordinary Shares in aggregate.

Definitions used in the Prospectus shall have the same meaning when used in this announcement unless stated otherwise.

This announcement should be read in conjunction with the full text of the Prospectus, copies of which can be obtained by contacting Accsys on +44 (0)20 8150 8835 or by email at and also from the registered office of Accsys and the offices of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. at Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082 PP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Prospectus is also available on the Company's corporate website ( and through the website of Euronext Amsterdam (Dutch residents only) at no cost.

Result of General Meeting

Accsys, the environmental science and wood technology company, is pleased to announce that, at the General Meeting held at 11.00 a.m. today, the Resolutions required in connection with the Firm Placing and the Placing and Open Offer were duly passed without amendment. The full text of the Resolutions and the notice convening the General Meeting are set out in the prospectus published by the Company on 4 February 2011 in relation to the Firm Placing and the Placing and Open Offer.

The Firm Placing and Placing and Open Offer remain conditional upon the Placing Agreement becoming unconditional in all respects and not having been terminated in accordance with its terms prior to Admission, and Admission becoming effective by 9.00 a.m. (Central European Time) on 22 February 2011 (or such later time and/or date as the Company and Numis may determine).

Definitions used in the Prospectus shall have the same meaning when used in this announcement unless stated otherwise.

This announcement should be read in conjunction with the full text of the Prospectus, copies of which can be obtained by contacting Accsys on +44 (0)20 8150 8835 or by email at and also from the registered office of Accsys and the offices of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. at Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082 PP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Prospectus is also available on the Company's corporate website ( and through the website of Euronext Amsterdam (Dutch residents only) at no cost

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