Equinox,What's Ride to Greenstone?

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Algemeen advies 06/08/2024 06:50
After 15 years of technical studies and planning and 2.5 years of construction, the Greenstone Mine poured first gold on May 22nd, with commercial production targeted for Q3 2024! To celebrate this achievement, Equinox Gold's team is cycling 3,634 km from Vancouver, BC to its new Greenstone Mine in Geraldton, Ontario.

In addition to celebrating the opening of Greenstone Mine, this cross-Canada cycling relay will raise money for the Geraldton District Hospital, which serves a 2,767-km2 region in Northern Ontario including five Indigenous communities and the Greenstone Mine workforce. Equinox Gold's seven mine sites in California, Mexico and Brazil are also sending cyclists to join the cross-Canada ride and the mine sites are hosting a variety of events focused on team building and physical activity to raise money for charities in their region, bringing our global workforce, contractors and suppliers together to benefit local communities.

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