Empowering independence: TOBEA and Siemens to transform beach accessibility for people with disabilities

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Algemeen advies 27/08/2024 06:03
A chair mounted on a track system helps people with handicaps delight in the beach without any outside help
More than 250 beaches around the world are already accessible
Siemens technology makes operations efficient, reliable and uninterrupted, even in difficult coastal environments
Siemens and TOBEA show how cutting-edge technology can have a positive social impact
Innovation promotes equal opportunity and improves everyone’s quality of life
The “SEATRAC” system, enabled by Siemens technology and developed by TOBEA, an innovative tech start-up based in Patras, Greece, creates a unique way for individuals with disabilities to experience life at the beach and take a dip in the sea without any outside assistance. SEATRAC consists of a specially developed chair mounted on a track system. This system enables individuals to safely glide into the water and return to land without any outside help. The technology gives individuals more control over their lives, promotes inclusion and guarantees equal opportunity for all. The system has already been installed at more than 250 beaches around the world.

People with disabilities face a significant challenge if they want to go to the beach and enter the water by themselves. Traditional beach infrastructure often lacks the necessary accommodations, making it difficult, if not impossible, for those with mobility issues to enjoy the seaside. SEATRAC, an innovative product developed by TOBEA, addresses this problem by providing a solution that facilitates autonomous access to the sea. By incorporating Siemens’ advanced control technology, SEATRAC ensures reliable and uninterrupted operation, allowing individuals with disabilities to experience the freedom and joy of the beach largely without any extra assistance.
“Our collaboration with TOBEA on the SEATRAC project is a testament to our commitment to inclusion and innovation,” said Gerhard Gleitsmann, Head of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Office of Siemens AG. “By leveraging our advanced technologies, we are breaking down barriers and enabling people with disabilities to enjoy the freedom and joy of the beach independently. This is a powerful example of how we can drive positive change and improve quality of life through sustainable and inclusive solutions. This is technology with purpose.”
The experience of using SEATRAC is shared by Panagiotis Pitsiniagas: “The sea is a completely different world for me: a world without gravity to limit me. It was also one of the first things I felt my disability took away from me. Years later, I realized that it wasn’t my disability that kept me away, but the lack of infrastructure.”
Siemens’ central controller technology is the “brain” of SEATRAC, providing advanced communication and technology functions. It ensures that the system runs smoothly and reliably, even in difficult coastal environments, with features like remote control and fault diagnosis. Any issues are quickly reported via email for timely maintenance, keeping SEATRAC operational year-round. The system also includes security measures to prevent unauthorized access and protect its unique algorithms.
“Siemens and TOBEA joined forces to improve the lives of people with disabilities or mobility problems,” said Ignatios Fotiou, President of TOBEA and one of SEATRAC’s developers. “TOBEA leverages Siemens expertise in the development and production of SEATRAC, the first device that helps people enjoy the sea without needing any extra help. We are glad to investigate the creation of new products, together with Siemens.”

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