iKarma Seeks Partners for International Rollout of Its Reputation Management System

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Algemeen advies 24/04/2006 15:40
JUPITER, FL -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 04/24/2006 -- iKarma Inc (OTC: IKMA) (http://www.iKarma.com) is pleased to announce plans to expand its reputation management service to an international and multi-lingual customer base. "Trust and Reputation are universal qualities that transcend every language and every border", says Paul Williams, CEO of iKarma. "We already have multi-lingual users across the world asking us for translated versions of iKarma. We believe providing this expanded service will help secure our first-mover advantage and double our pool of potential users in the wider global market."

iKarma has contracted with Applied Language Solutions (http://www.appliedlanguage.com) to provide consultation and translation services for the initial roll-out to the largest foreign markets. Applied Language Solutions offers translation services for over 140 languages and counts Yahoo!, Hewlett-Packard, SAP and Sony Computer Entertainment among its many customers. "iKarma International is an exciting new project for us," says Martha Escobar, US Operations Manager for Applied Language Solutions. "We look forward to working with the iKarma Team and their strategic partners to bring iKarma to the international business community."

"iKarma was built on an international character set so our ability to offer service in any language should be quick and easy," says Andrew Mayer, Chief Architect of iKarma. "The development of our initial functional platform is largely complete so we can now expand our service for any language with very minimal cost."

"In addition to offering additional languages, iKarma is also actively seeking international marketing partners for this new service," says Scott Pitchford, President of iKarma. "We're putting together an attractive package of financial, equity and marketing incentives that partners can earn depending on the size of their existing customer base, their capabilities, and their success in spreading iKarma to their local market. We believe we can leapfrog quickly into international markets by working with local companies and offering them attractive performance based incentives."

Companies interested in representing iKarma in the international marketplace can contact Scott Pitchford or Paul Williams. Just email us at Global@iKarma.com for an initial interview.

Pew Research released a February 21, 2006 Survey Report (http://pewglobal.org/reports) showing that several countries such as the Netherlands, Great Britain and Canada have already surpassed the US in the percentage of their population online. It appears that many other countries may soon match the US in the percentage of citizens online. International internet usage is growing rapidly and iKarma is taking solid steps to grow with it. Each of these growing markets represent a potential niche where iKarma can thrive.

About iKarma, Inc.

iKarma Inc. is a public company that trades on the Pink Sheets under the symbol IKMA. Based in Jupiter, Florida, iKarma Inc. specializes in providing reputation and customer feedback systems for businesses and professionals. iKarma's mission is to help create prosperity and commerce by bringing greater trust and openness to business transactions. iKarma is a proud member of WOMMA, The Word of Mouth Marketing Association.

iKarma, iKarma.com, iKarma.at, iKarma.be, iKarma.ca, iKarma.ch, iKarma.cn, iKarma.co.ee, iKarma.co.in, iKarma.co.mx, iKarma.co.uk, iKarma.com.pt, iKarma.com.tw, iKarma.cz, iKarma.dk, iKarma.es, iKarma.eu, iKarma.fr, iKarma.gr, iKarma.hk, iKarma.hu, iKarma.it, iKarma.jp, iKarma.li, iKarma.lt, iKarma.lu, iKarma.lv, iKarma.nl, iKarma.pl, iKarma.ro, iKarma.ru, iKarma.se, iKarma.sg, eReputation and eReputation.com are all service marks owned by iKarma Inc.

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