DINTAG(R) -- Database of Identification Number Tags

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Algemeen advies 03/05/2006 17:12
A Global Brand Security Service
HELSINKI, FINLAND -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 05/01/2006 --
Instant Product Authentication: a Cross-Industry Anti-Counterfeit Solution
The Global Brand Security Service being offered by Finland's Dintag Corp. is a simple and reliable cross-industry Product Authentication System that is impossible to forge. The service goes into effect from 01 May 2006.

The DINTAG® Service is accessible for and addresses the imminent needs of the brand owner, the distributor, and the end-consumer.

The recent years have witnessed the unprecedented intervention of illegitimate manufacturers in civilized markets. According to the World Customs Organization and Interpol, product counterfeiting and copyright piracy have reached almost $600 billion annually. Experts project that this figure will reach $1 trillion by the end of the decade, which would mean losses of 15 to 35 per cent of potential brand revenues. Moreover, counterfeit products pose an unacceptable threat to end-consumer welfare. Taking a knock-off medicine or using a fake brake pad may mean risking one's life.

In spite of all the efforts made by national governments, law enforcement agencies, brand security companies and international anti-counterfeit organizations, the counterfeiters will adapt rapidly to any particular measure -- no matter how sophisticated or expensive. Unfortunately, the overwhelmed end-consumer is unable to keep pace with the variety and complexity of brand security innovations.

DINTAG® Service: Unified and Simple to Use
The DINTAG® Service is a whole unified system applicable throughout all counterfeit-attacked industries (pharmaceuticals, chemicals, audio-video, foods, alcohol, tobacco, luxury goods, cosmetics and perfumery, games and toys, as well as auto, marine and aircraft parts, etc.).

The DINTAG® Service does not require from the consumer any special equipment, skills or training. The authentication procedure is intuitively comprehensible and takes just a few seconds.

Every identification tag -- dintag -- adhered to the product and/or package surface contains a unique covert Identification Number. During product authentication, the disposable tag cover is pulled off and the uncovered identification number is forwarded through the DINTAG® website to the DINTAG® Server. The Server responds with the information on the name and manufacturer of the product that had been marked with the tag in question. If this information coincides with the name and manufacturer of the product being identified, this product is authentic.

DINTAG® Technology: Impossible to Forge
Each Identification Number on the dintag is unique, and up to the moment the dintag cover is removed it remains unknown. Once a dintag identification number has been entered into the system, any further attempt to reenter the dintag number will result in the product being identified as counterfeit by the DINTAG® Service.

Thus we guarantee that products that are marked by dintags are absolutely counterfeit-proof. Moreover, the colorful and easily recognizable dintag instantly indicates that the product is possible to authenticate, which is undoubtedly a competitive advantage of dintagged goods.

Through the use of this special brand security service the brand owner/manufacturer is able to receive reliable feedback from the consumers. Authentication of products can be effected not only by end-consumers, but also by wholesalers seeking to make sure the goods being acquired for resale are authentic. To this end the wholesale packages are marked by several dintags, thus enabling multiple authentication throughout the supply chain.

Corporate Summary
Dintag Corp. is a highly dedicated and competent international team of experts in such fields as white-collar crime, information technology, economics, and public relations, driven by a common goal -- to contain the intervention of counterfeit products in civilized markets.

The company's headquarters are in Helsinki, Finland.
Buy authentic, be safe!
Dintag Corp.
Phone: +358 9 710 540
Fax: +358 10 296 1496
URL: www.dintag.com

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