Wall Street hoger op vooruitzichten. Straks meer nieuws.

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Dag advies 02/10/2010 06:35
Wall Street hoger op toegenomen bestedingen door inkomsten burgers in de VS.
Het gaat zo slecht nog niet, maar beleggers willen er niet naar kijken, worden meegenomen door t negatieve nieuws.
Ook is bewezen dat "laddersystemen" voor de grote dip op Wall Stret heeft gezorgd in mei j.l..
zie hieronder.
Reuters) - Regulators have concluded that a single trade by a "large fundamental trader" helped trigger the brief market crash May 6, according to the regulators' report released on Friday. Internal exchange documents have identified the trading firm as Waddell & Reed Financial Inc, but the report authored by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) did not identify it by name. The so-called flash crash sent the Dow Jones industrial average down some 700 points in minutes, exposing flaws in the electronic marketplace dominated by high-frequency trading. Trading on that day was turbulent due to concerns over the European debt crisis. Against that backdrop, a "large fundamental trader" initiated a sell program to sell 75,000 E-Mini contracts as a hedge to an existing equity position, according to the 104-page report. On May 14, Reuters reported that Waddell sold a large order of E-Mini futures contracts during the market plunge, identifying the firm to which CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler had alluded in congressional testimony.

De Dow reageerde gisteravond positief op al het nieuws met +41 punten en de Nasdaq +2 op resp. 10.829 en 2.370
De week beginstanden waren, de Dow 10.860 en de Nasdaq 2.381
Hetzelfde beld als in de Oostmarkt, klein verlies na de goede september maand

Reuters) - President Barack Obama's $814 billion economic stimulus plan is meeting its targets for spending and job creation, White House officials said on Friday, however unpopular it may be with the public. Seventy percent of the plan's funds were paid out by September 30, with $308 billion spent and $243 billion in tax breaks provided, they said, adding that every spending deadline Congress set for the funds was met on time or ahead of schedule, with little fraud or abuse. Polls have shown the plan is unpopular with much of the public and has fallen short of expectations for the economy, even though the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates it boosted real gross domestic product in the second quarter by up to 4.5 percent and raised employment by up to 3.3 million jobs.

Olie hoger op meer gebruik door de betere economische vooruitzichten, maar lopen we weeer niet te hard?
Olie $81,58 goud $1.317,80 en zilver $22,06
De week beginstanden waren olie $76,49 goud $1.298,10 en zilver $21,40
Mooie weekwinsten.

De valuta's
de dollar euro 1,3789 de Yen 114,75 't pond 0,8715 AU$ 1,4177 C$ 1,4060 en NZ$ 1,8505

de Week beginstanden waren
de dollar euro 1,3489 de Yen 113,59 't pond 0,8522 AU$ 1,4065 NZ$ 1,8360 en C$ 1,3815

Onze lezers nog een goed weekend.

Lees op het dagadvies van gister (1/10) ons latere nieuws nog eens.

BinckBank NV Buy door SNS
Dat zou niet mogen, die gaan samenwerken. Onafhankelijkheid is dan toch "ver" te zoeken!

AMG affiliate Timminco announces closing of joint venture with Dow Corning and provides update on credit facilities
Lees elders meer.

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