Wall Street was gesloten en Oostmarkt lager op onrusten in Midden Oosten. Straks meer nieuws

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Dag advies 22/02/2011 06:57
Wall Street had een vrije dag en dat kwam goed uit. Kunnen ze de onrust even op een rustige manier bekijken en welk besluit zal eruit komen?
Dat edelmetaal een "must" is geworden in deze wispelturige wereld van machtswellust.
Maar dat is niet alleen bij de regeringsleiders, maar ook op de beurzen. TOM mag van de rechter ook de Optiemarkt op.
En wat zal er nog meer gaan komen?
Wij hebben al zo lang geleden en vaak geschreven over "die tekort"aan onderliggende stukken.Turbo's, Trachters, Opties etc., maar die onderliggende "STUKKEN" zijn er bij lange na NIET! Als alles opgevraagd gaat worden uit al de producten die er zijn op de beurzen is er een “HELS” probleem en stort de wereld op financieel gebied in!
Daar maakte wij op 19 aug. 2008 om 13.26 uur al melding van bij de AFM.
Wat is er daarna allemaal niet gebeurd?
De Kredietcrisis, tekort aan aandelen Volkswagen en teveel om op te noemen.
Wat is met onze melding(en) en schrijven op XEA.nl GEDAAN?
Wij maken onze grote zorgen over de onberekenbaarheid van het totaal wat er in de financiële markten gaande is.


De volgende crisis is een totaal onhandelbare handel op de beurzen.

Daar lezen wij ook steeds meer verhalen van "DESKUNDIGE" in de media.

In de Oostmarkt zorgen over de instabiliteit in het Midden Oosten en de olieprijs steeg dan ook door de zorg van tekort aanvoer naar $93,48(was $87,39)
Het edelmetaal steeg ook, goud $1.402,30 en zilver $33,45

In Japan de Nikkei -172 en de Topix -15 punten
In Hong Kong de Hang Seng -451 punten op 23.033
In Singapore de Straits -41 op 3.028

In Australië de All Ordinaries -43 punten op 4.947
Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- BHP Billiton Ltd., the world’s biggest mining company, agreed to buy Chesapeake Energy Corp.’s Arkansas shale gas assets for $4.75 billion in cash, more than doubling its U.S. oil and gas reserves. BHP will add more than 10 trillion cubic feet of gas resources through the purchase, J. Michael Yeager, chief executive officer of BHP’s petroleum division, said on a call with reporters today. The Fayetteville deal marks BHP’s first foray into U.S. shale gas.
Daar zijn o.a.ANZ bank -29ct op 24,36 BHP +73ct op 46,58 CWL TH bank -71ct op 53,21 Macq grp -44ct op 38,36 NewCrest -42ct op 39,29 Rio Tinto -1,04 op 85,10 Sonic -45ct op 11,37 WestFramer -1,03 op 33,15 Woodside +6ct op 42,64

NZX 50 Index
3358.706 -23.23 -0.69%
Contact Energy paced decliners on the NZX 50 this morning as the third-biggest company on the stock exchange said it will probably tap shareholders to help fund a new geothermal power plant.

De valuta's
The Australian dollar fell overnight as investors fled to safe haven assets on increasing unrest in the Middle East.
De AU$ 1,3552 de dollar euro 1,3588 de Yen 113,19 't pond 0,8404 C$ 1,3386 NZ$ 1,8101 en Sing$ 1,7402

de agenda voor vandaag en de rest van de week.
dinsdag 22 febr.
Ablynx - Jaarresultaat 2010
Hewlett-Packard Company - Resultaten 1e kwartaal 2011

woensdag 23 febr.
Aalberts Industries NV - Jaarresultaat 2010
DSM NV - Jaarresultaat 2010
CSM NV - Jaarresultaat 2010
Deceuninck NV - Jaarresultaat 2010
Wolters Kluwer NV - Jaarresultaat 2010

donderdag 24 febr.
Aegon NV - Resultaten 4e kwartaal 2010 + jaar 2010
BE Semiconductor Industries NV - Jaarresultaat 2010
DOCdata NV - Jaarresultaat 2010
Batenburg Beheer NV - Voorlopige jaarcijfers 2010
Wessanen jaarcijfers 2010
BASF - Jaarresultaat 2010
Dexia - Jaarresultaat 2010
Nyrstar - Jaarresultaat 2010
RWE AG - Jaarresultaat 2010
Telenet Group Holding - Jaarresultaat 2010
OESO - Betalingsbalans OESO

vrijdag 25 febr.
Gamma Holding NV - Jaarresultaat 2010
Bekaert NV - Jaarresultaat 2010
Ter Beke NV - Jaarresultaat 2010
Belgacom - Jaarresultaat 2010
VS - Consumentenvertrouwen Verenigde Staten: Michigan consumer sentiment index (MoM)(definitief).

and Santarus announce initiation of Phase IIIb clinical study with RHUCIN in Acute Hereditary Angioedema. Lees elders meer.

Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Christchurch was rocked by the deadliest earthquake to hit New Zealand in 80 years, killing at least 65 people, toppling buildings, trapping office workers and ripping apart sidewalks. The magnitude 6.3 earthquake, the strongest since September when the city was shaken by a 7.0 magnitude temblor, sent office workers fleeing into streets covered in shattered glass, paper, bricks and broken concrete. Emergency workers scrambled to aid injured and bloodied city residents. “We might be witnessing New Zealand’s darkest day,” Prime Minister John Key said on Television New Zealand as he reported on the number of dead after travelling from the capital of Wellington to the city on New Zealand’s South Island. “It’s just a scene of utter devastation.”

tijd 07.33
Goud $1.398,80 zilver $33,36 en platina $1.835,--
de aantrekken USA dollar veroorzaakt een deel van de daling.
Olie $93,85

Reuters) - Intel Corp (INTC.O) plans to build a $5 billion, cutting-edge microchip factory in Arizona by 2013, sharply ramping up its U.S. manufacturing capacity as part of a major global expansion.Construction should kick off in the middle of this year, it said in a statement. When completed, the plant will churn out next-generation 14-nanometer line-width transistors and microchip wafers of 300 millimeters. Intel said in October it plans to spend $6 billion to $8 billion on high-tech manufacturing facilities in Arizona and Oregon, creating as many as 8,000 construction jobs. In January, the world's largest chip maker unveiled its next-generation microchip, code-named Sandy Bridge, which it said will yield about a third of its corporate revenue in 2011. About three-quarters of Intel's manufacturing takes place in the United States. But it is expanding capacity around the world, including in Israel and China.

lees elders meer.

Johnson & Johnson Completes Tender Offer for Crucell and Declares Offer Unconditional. Lees elders meer.

Intervest Retail
Jaarresultaten 2010
- Brutodividend per aandeel: € 2,50 (+ 2,5 %)
- Toename van operationeel uitkeerbaar resultaat met 2,5 %
- Toename reële waarde van de vastgoedportefeuille met 1,5 %
- Lage schuldgraad: 37 %

Intervest Offices
Jaarresultaten 2010
- Brutodividend per aandeel: € 1,83 (-15 %)
- Afname van operationeel uitkeerbaar resultaat met 15 %
- Daling reële waarde van de vastgoedportefeuille met 1,6 %
- Lage schuldgraad: 43 %

In Japan de Nikkei -192 punten en de Topix -17 gesloten werd op res. 10.664 voor de Nikkei en 956 voor de Topix.

tijd 08.48
In Hong Kong de Hang Seng -506 op 22.979

tijd 08.49
Goud $1.401,-- zilver $33,30 en platina $1.833,--
Olie $93,82 en de dollar euro 1,3537 de Yen 112,68 en 't pond 0,8386

tijd 08.52
Rubber en staal
opende in de Oostmarkt op resp. 1.360 en 647 en sloten af op resp. 1.346 en 640

Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Zurich Financial Services AG, Switzerland’s largest insurer, agreed to pay $1.67 billion for a 51 percent stake in the insurance operations of Banco Santander SA in Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay as it wants to grow in emerging markets. Zurich also agreed on a 25-year distribution agreement in Latin America, the Zurich-based insurer said in an e-mailed statement. With the transaction, the group’s revenue contribution from Latin America will double to about 8 percent.

tijd 09.00
De Europese beurzen zetten lager in, Libië blijft beleggers en beurzen bezig houden.
De AEX 368,82 -0,57% de Bel 20 2.698,35 -0,64% de CAC 4.074,28 -0,56%

tijd 09.27
Olie $93,28 de dollar euro 1,3545 de Yen 112,58 en 't pond 0,8388

Mineurstemming van gister zet vandaag door, maar let op Uw kansen. In Libië heeft ook het Leger de kant van de Burgers gekozen.
Dus kunnen beurzen snel weer naar de oude nivea's trekken.

tijd 09.29
De AEX 366,18 -1,28% de Midcap 636,52 -1,47% de Smallcap 504,69 -0,91%

tijd 09.30
De Bel 20 2.681,19 -1,27% de CAC 4.035,34 -1,51% de DAX 7.276,47 -0,62%

Crotec en Oranjewoud ondertekenen samenwerkingsovereenkomst.
Lees elders meer.

AkzoNobel benoemt topfunctionaris bij Decorative Paints in China
De strategische groeiambities van Akzo Nobel om op de middellange termijn de omzet in China te verdubbelen van $1,5 miljard naar $3 miljard hebben met de benoeming van Lin Liangqi als de nieuwe Managing Director van Decorative Paints voor China en Noord-Azië een verdere impuls gekregen. De onderneming wil haar strategische groeiplanning voor de regio versnellen en de heer Lin - voorheen werkzaam bij Philips Lighting - krijgt als taak om zijn uitgebreide kennis en ervaring te gebruiken om de groei in een van de meest dynamische markten ter wereld te stimuleren. De heer Lin zal officieel per 1 april zijn nieuwe taak op zich nemen. Tot voor kort was hij CEO bij Philips Lighting Greater China, waar hij sinds zijn indiensttreding in 1994 verscheidene sleutelposities heeft bekleed.

tijd 10.53
De AEX 366,91 -1,08% de Midcap 638,02 -1,24% de Smallcap 504,25 -1,00% de Bel 20 2.677,19 -1,42% de CAC 4.040,67 -1,38% de DAX 7.281,78 -0,55%

tijd 10.58
In Hong Kong de Hang Seng -494 punten op 22.990 gesloten.

tijd 10.59
Goud $1.394,90 zilver $32,48(daar zullen wel producten qua aanbod aan ten grondslag liggen) platina $1.816,--
Er wordt winst genomen in het edelmetaal.

tijd 11.00
Olie $93,83 de dollar euro 1,3570 de Yen 112,49 en 't pond 0,8404
Beurzen geven een troosteloos blik.

Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Britain posted the biggest budget surplus since July 2008 as government revenue surged in the biggest tax-collection month of the year. Revenue exceeded spending by 3.74 billion pounds ($6 billion), compared with a deficit of 1.27 billion pounds a year earlier, the Office for National Statistics said in London today. The median of 13 forecasts in a Bloomberg survey was for a surplus of 100 million pounds. The surplus including government support for banks was 5.25 billion pounds. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne is pledging to stick to his deficit-cutting program to tackle a shortfall that’s set to reach 10 percent of economic output this year. Osborne today received a boost from his U.S. counterpart, Timothy F. Geithner, who said the cuts pose little risk to the recovery.

Angst, de slechtste raadgever die er is.
- De spanningen in Noord-Afrika en Midden-Oosten doen beleggers dinsdag naar hun verkoopbriefjes grijpen. De AEX noteert ruim 1% lager.
Egypte kwam en ging weer en dat zal het ook elders in Afrika zijn.
Koop kwaliteit op lagere prijzen.

KAS BANK lanceert Fund Desk voor beleggingsfondsen
Lees elders meer.

RHJ International: Asahi Tec Announces the Refinancing of its Debt
Brussels - February 22, 2011 - RHJ International ("RHJI", the "Company"), a limited liability company organized under the laws of Belgium, having its registered office at Avenue Louise 326, 1050 Brussels, announces that Asahi Tec Corporation has entered into a new agreement to refinance its senior and subordinated debt. The announcement was filed today with the Tokyo Stock Exchange. A translation of the release in English is available on Asahi Tec's website using the following link:

media, Computable.
- Accountancy- en auditkantoor KPMG lijft uitbestedingspecialist Equaterra in. Het overnameplan werd in september 2010 nog ontkend, maar nu is het officieel. KPMG wil met de...
- Dell is niet langer de strategische partner van dataopslagleverancier EMC. De twee leveranciers hebben al tien jaar een strategisch samenwerkingsverband, waarbij Dell en EMC samen...
- Olieconcern Shell heeft Microsoft en T-Systems de opdracht gegeven om een op maat gesneden Sharepoint-oplossing te leveren. Beide ict-leveranciers hebben voor die opdracht de...

tijd 12.50
Weinig spanning op de beurzen van Europa, de AEX 366,92 -1,08% de Bel 20 2.679,31 -1,34% de CAC 4.034,02 -1,55% de DAX 7.289,05 -0,45% de Midcap 638,61 -1,15%en de Smallcap 504,76 -0,90%

tijd 12.54
Goud $1.395,70 zilver $32,94 en platina $1.821,--
Olie $92,96

Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Home Depot Inc., the largest U.S. home-improvement retailer, said fourth-quarter profit rose 72 percent after attracting customers who spent more money on average. Net income increased to $587 million, or 36 cents, in the quarter ended Jan. 30, Atlanta-based Home Depot said today in a statement. Analysts had predicted 31 cents, based on the average of 21 estimates compiled by Bloomberg. The number of transactions advanced 1.4 percent to 292 million as Home Depot, led by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Frank Blake, lured customers buying paint, light fixtures and plumbing supplies to repair their homes. The retailer also cut operating expenses by 1.9 percent in the quarter.

tijd -13,43
Goud $1.398,-- zilver $32,98 en platina $1.819,--
Olie $92,56 de dollar euro 1,3675 de Yen 114,74 en 't pond 0,8460
Weinig opwekkends op de Europese beurzen.

tijd 14.59
De AEX 368,58 -0,63% ING EUR 9,14 +1ct en 14,6 miljoen sts omzet, de Midcap 640,83 -0,80% de Smallcap 505,34 -0,78%
de lucht begint weer op te klaren.

tijd 15.00
De Bel 20 2.700,07 -0,57% de CAC 4.052,74 -1,09% de DAX 7.328,72 +0,09%

tijd 15.01
de Smallcap 505,44 -0,76% Spyker EUR 5,299 +27,9 ct omzet 192.000 sts en TMG EUR 14,30 +21ct

tijd 15.27
Goud $1.403,70 zilver $33,32 en platina $1.819,--
de dollar euro 1,3679 en olie $92,93

Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Macy’s Inc., the second-biggest U.S. department-store chain, reported fourth-quarter earnings that exceeded analysts’ estimates after it held down costs. Profit rose to $1.59 a share, excluding an asset impairment charge, from $1.35 a year earlier. Analysts estimated earnings of $1.52, the average of 15 projections compiled by Bloomberg. Net income gained 50 percent to $667 million, or $1.55 a share, in the three months ended Jan. 29, compared with $445 million, or $1.05, the company said today in a statement.

Tuesday February 22, 2011
S&P/TSX Composite -13.04 14123.11
Dow Jones +73.11 12391.25
S&P 500 +2.58 1343.01
NASDAQ +2.37 2833.95
S&P/TSX Venture +1.79 2423.68
Philadelphia SOX -1.76 471.46
Crude Oil (US$/brrl) -0.16 86.20
Gas (US$/mmbtu) +0.01 3.88
Copper (US$/lb) 0.00 4.48
Gold (US$/oz) +3.50 1388.60
Nickel (US$/lb) -0.04 12.91
Palladium (US$/oz) +4.75 849.50
Platinum (US$/oz) -12.75 1834.25
Silver (US$/oz) +0.76 32.54
Uranium (US$/lb) -0.75 72.25
Canadian Dollar -0.0019 1.0139
30 Year Canada 0.00 3.856
30 Year U.S. +0.02 4.689
Volatility Index (VIX) -0.070 16.52

ECON 101
CANADIAN Data Today: This morning, Retail Sales (Dec) are expected to fall by 0.1%, after gaining 1.3% the previous month, while Retail Sales Less Autos (Dec) should rise by 0.6%, after gaining 1.0% previously.
U.S. Data Today: This morning, the S&P/CaseShiller Composite 20 (Dec) is expected to fall by 0.5%, after losing 0.54%
the previous month.

ECON 201
The Canadian Consumer Price Index (Jan) rose 2.3% year over year following the 2.4% increase in December. Energy prices up 9.0% and gasoline prices up 13.0%, pushed the index higher.
Bank of Canada Core CPI (Jan) rose 0.1% from December and 1.4% year over year.
German Producer Prices (Jan) increased by 1.2% month over month and 5.7% year over year, providing the index’s highest reading since October, 2008.
U.K. Retail Sales (Jan) rose 1.9% over the prior month, coming off a decline of 1.4% in December that was attributed to poor weather.
Chinese Foreign Direct Investment (Jan) came in at $10.03 billion, up 23.4% from the prior year, with investments into the real estate sector rising at the expense of the manufacturing sector.
India’s new Consumer Price Index (Jan) came in at 106, up from the 100 base reading that was set in January 2010. The new index combines data from urban and rural areas that were not previously included in the CPI measure.

DSM announces new Supervisory Board chairman
Royal DSM N.V., the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company headquartered in the Netherlands, today announces that its Supervisory Board has appointed Rob Routs as its new chairman, succeeding Cor Herkströter.
Cor Herkströter has been a member of the DSM Supervisory Board since 1 April 2000 and its chairman since 12 March 2002. During his chairmanship DSM has transformed from a chemical company into a Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company. The leadership of DSM would like to express its deep gratitude to Cor Herkströter for his guidance and support in this process, which has now been successfully completed. Rob Routs (64, Dutch nationality) held various positions at the Royal Dutch Shell group until his retirement at the end of 2008. His last positions were Executive Director Downstream and member of the Board of Directors of Royal Dutch Shell plc. He holds a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Technical Sciences from Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands). Rob Routs has been a member of the Supervisory Board of DSM since April 2010.
The change of chairmanship of DSM's Supervisory Board will take place after the General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 28 April 2011.

tijd 15.43
De Dow 12.295,70 -0,77% de Nasdaq 2.787,33 -1,65%

tijd 16.44
Goud $1.402,50 zilver $33,08 platina $1.819,--
Olie $91,50 de dollar euro 1,3698 AU$ 1,3666 en C$ 1,3482

media, In de VS
Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Confidence among U.S. consumers rose in February to the highest level in three years as Americans became more optimistic about their incomes and the economy. The Conference Board’s index of sentiment increased to 70.4, the highest since February 2008, from 64.8 the prior month, figures from the New York-based private research group showed today.

tijd 16.49
De Dow 12.336,46 -0,44% de Nasdaq 2.805,72 -1,00%
Ook blijkt weer dat de soep niet zo "heet" gegeten wordt en de instappers van vanmorgen alweer in de plus zitten.
De AEX 370,01 -0,25% ING EUR 9,19 +6ct de Midcap 642,59 -0,53% en de Smallcap 506,84 -0,49%

tijd 16.51
De Bel 20 2.718,66 +0,11% de CAC 4.073,66 -0,58% de DAX 7.342,52 +0,28%
De AEX 370,01 -0,25% 642,59 -0,53% 506,84 -0,49%

Reuters) - Pirates shot dead four American hostages on a yacht they had seized in the Arabian Sea, and a firefight left two pirates dead and 13 captured, the U.S. military said on Tuesday. The sequence of events was not immediately clear, but the U.S. military's Central Command said the dead hostages were only discovered after U.S. forces responded to gunfire and boarded the pirated yacht, known as the Quest. "As they responded to the gunfire, reaching and boarding the Quest, the forces discovered all four hostages had been shot by their captors," the U.S. military's Central Command said in a statement. "Despite immediate steps to provide life-saving care, all four hostages ultimately died of their wounds." The military, which said the incident took place at about 1 a.m. EST, had been monitoring the Quest since discovering it had been taken over by pirates for about three days. It said negotiations to secure the release of the Americans had been under way when the gunfire broke out.

- reports fourth quarter EPS from continuing operations of $1.41; Underlying EPS from continuing operations of $1.34 exceeds consensus and company guidance. Lees elders meer.

Reuters) - Billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn mounted a $1.73 billion bid to buy Mentor Graphics Corp (MENT.O), days after he stepped up pressure on chip-design software maker's board seeking a sale of the company.The $17 a share offer from Icahn, who holds a 14.7 percent stake in Mentor, represents a 17 percent premium to the company's Friday closing price of $14.52.Icahn's move for Mentor comes a day after he lost out on buying power company Dynegy Inc (DYN.N), unable to convince shareholders to agree to his cash bid.In a letter to Mentor's board, Icahn wrote, "We believe that there are potential strategic bidders for Mentor Graphics whose bid will reflect inherent synergies and should be superior to our $17 offer."

The Annual General Meeting Meeting takes place in Basel, Switzerland, on February 22, 2011.

tijd 17.27
De Dow 12.296,72 -0,76% de Nasdaq 2.787,80 -1,63%
goud $1.405,30 zilver $33,21 en platina $ 1.821,--

tijd 17.30
De AEX 369,22 -0,46% de Midcap 642,29 -0,58% de Smallcap 507,01 -0,46% de Bel 20 2.709,21 -0,24% de CAC 4.057,13 -0,98% de DAX 7.318,12 -0,05% Porsche EUR 64,89 -72ct en 881.000 sts omzet, ProSiebenSat1 EUR 22,95 +25ct en 530.000 sts omzet.

tijd 17.36
De AEX 368,83 -0,56% de Midcap 641,81 -0,65% de Smallcap 508,10 -0,24% de Bel 20 2.703,37 -0,45% de CAC 4.050,27 -1,15%

Lees elders meer.

- Reports Successful 2010 with Strong Final Quarter
Lees elders meer.

tijd 19.43
Goud $1.400,80 zilver $33,11 en platina $1.786,--
olie $ 91,54 de dollar euro 1,3676 AU$ 1,3684 en C$ 1,3514

Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama told a group of entrepreneurs and small business owners in Ohio that they are among the prime drivers of the U.S. economy as he convened a series of meetings to get their ideas on boosting growth. “When small businesses do well, then America does well,” Obama said before the start of the sessions at Cleveland State University. “I did not come here to Cleveland to talk, instead I came here to listen.” Speaking in a state hard hit by job losses, Obama said he wants to hear about their successes and failures and what has hindered their growth. The Cleveland event was part of the administration’s campaign to promote Obama’s budget priorities and economic policies, which have hit resistance from Republicans in Congress.

Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Forest Laboratories Inc. fell the most in nine months over investor concerns that its $1.2 billion purchase of Clinical Data Inc. won’t be accretive in time to offset losses from patent expirations on Forest’s biggest drug. Forest agreed to pay $30 a share in cash, a 12 percent discount from Clinical Data’s last closing price, to gain the new antidepressant Viibryd, the companies said today in a statement. New York-based Forest will pay an additional $6 a share if the drug meets certain sales goals and said it expects the purchase to add to earnings no earlier than fiscal 2014. Forest has been looking to license new drugs to replace Lexapro, an antidepressant that accounts for 56 percent of the company’s sales and is set to lose patent protection next year. Forest’s goal of leveraging its existing sales force to turn Viibryd into a product with more than $1 billion in annual sales isn’t realistic in a market dominated by generic competition, said David Amsellem, an analyst at Piper Jaffray & Co.

- Uitgeefconcern Reed Elsevier
. koopt het Chinese bedrijf Datong Medical Information Techonology. Het in Shanghai gevestigde bedrijf heeft zich gespecialiseerd in informatievoorziening over onder meer medicijnen in ziekenhuizen. Financiële gegevens werden over de overname niet bekendgemaakt. Een van Datongs producten is een computersysteem voor ziekenhuizen dat alarmeert en informatie geeft bij bestellingen en over het gebruik van (meerdere) medicijnen. Het systeem stamt uit 2002 en wordt inmiddels gebruikt door ziekenhuizen in 123 steden in China.

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