Bericht van, Punch Graphix plc.

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Overig advies 20/02/2007 11:37
Punch Graphix plc
Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2006.
Punch Graphix plc ('Punch Graphix' or the 'Company'), the digital and pre-press printing systems
group, today announces its preliminary results for the financial year ended 31 December 2006.
(in €000)
Year ended 31 December 2006 (unaudited) Year ended 31 December 2005
Percentage increase/ decrease
Revenue 173,340 158,263 +10%
EBITDA 41,694 34,760 +20%
Operating profit* 22,481 21,477 +5%
Profit before taxation 21,212 18,453 +15%
Net profit (equity interests) 15,901 12,424 +28%
Earnings per Share (Eurocents) 15.5 13.32 +17%

* In accordance with IFRS3, the recognition of deferred tax assets, relating in most part to the acquisition in 2004 of
basysPrint GmbH in Boizenburg, Germany, has led to an increase in the depreciation and amortization charge. The effect
is to reduce the Operating Result and Result before Tax by some €1.8 million. As a result the Group could benefit from
the recognition of deferred tax assets.
2006 was another year of progress for the Company and the Executive Directors believe that our well
balanced business model with high recurring revenues and our presence in both digital and offset
sectors is suited to challenge a dynamic and competitive environment.
Offer by Punch International
On 8 January 2007 Punch international launched a mandatory offer 128p per share for the shares in
Punch Graphix that it did not already own. On 23 January 2007, the independent Committee of the
Board of Directors issued its statement expressing its reservations regarding the Punch International
proposal, considering the Company’s past performance. When the offer closed for acceptances on
13 February 2007 Punch International had increased its shareholding in Punch Graphix from 49% to
92.58%. Subsequently, Punch International has stated that it will seek to procure the cancellation of
trading on AIM and the admission to trading on Euronext Brussels of Punch Graphix Shares.
This is therefore Punch Graphix’s last preliminary results statement as an AIM-listed company. The
Board of Punch Graphix would like to record its appreciation to shareholders for their support since
the Company’s Admission to trading on AIM in May 2005.

Business Review
Results overview
2006 was a very satisfactory year for the Group, with both the high-end digital colour printing
systems division (Xeikon) and the computer-to-plate prepress division (basysPrint and OEM) showing
healthy development. Group revenue was €173.3m, an increase of 9.5% over 2005. Of this,
approximately one-third was generated by prepress activities, and approximately two-thirds by
digital printing activities. The split between equipment sales and sales of consumables and services
was approximately even.
The Group operating result was €22.5m, an increase of 5% over 2005. In accordance with IFRS3, the
recognition of deferred tax assets, relating in most part to the acquisition in 2004 of basysPrint
GmbH in Boizenburg, Germany, has led to an increase in the depreciation and amortization charge.
The effect is to reduce the Operating Result and Result before Tax by some €1.8 million. After taking
into account this audit adjustment, which came to light after the preparation of the profit estimate
set out in the document dated 22 January 2007 in response to the Punch International offer, the
Board confirms that the trading results were in line with that profit estimate.
Profit before tax and earnings per share rose by 15% and 16% respectively over 2005.
Markets and key drivers
During 2006, market conditions remained favourable for Punch Graphix. Digital colour printing was
the fastest growing of all printing technologies with a wider range of printers adopting new
applications. In addition, ongoing trends such as the increasing use of colour printing and a
widening use of personalisation in printed media, have contributed to growth.
The CtP equipment market remained fairly stable overall, reflecting a combination of the mature
offset markets in Europe and the United States, and the faster growth experienced in Asia and South
America. Key drivers for the CtP market included the continuing upgrade of the large installed base
of earlier computer-to-film solutions and first generation CtP machines, the search for more
productive solutions and the further consolidation of the printing market into large facilities in lower
cost geographies such as Asia and South America.
Digital printing solutions (Xeikon)
Xeikon enjoyed another strong year overall, especially in the sale of consumables. This was driven by
systems sold and installed during 2005 coming on stream and, in particular, a number of existing US
customers substantially increasing their toner requirements.
The number of pages printed by the installed base of Xeikon machines grew by over 25% during the
year. The Group launched its new generation digital colour printing system, the Xeikon 6000, in
September 2006, in combination with a new toner range (Form Adapted), and a major update to the
X-800 digital front-end. The expectation in the market place of the launch of the Xeikon 6000
restricted orders for Xeikon 5000 machines. However, the Xeikon 6000 is helping equipment sales in
the high-end part of our targeted market, with the first units being delivered in the later part of 2006.
The combination of the Xeikon 6000, the FA toner range and the updated X-800 digital front-end
sets a new standard in digital colour printing for speed, productivity, image quality, substrate range
and extended applications. These features, combined with favourable printing costs, put Punch
Graphix ahead of its competition in this market segment. This was further reinforced early February
2007 by the introduction of the Xeikon 4000 and the Xeikon 5000Plus digital colour printing systems.

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