Barclays PLC, bericht.

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Overig advies 09/11/2010 10:23
"Our income and profit performance was resilient for the first nine months of 2010 despite a subdued economic
environment and moderate volumes. We continued to invest in a number of our businesses on a pay-as-you-go basis
with a view to increasing future returns on equity. Our loan loss rate and overall impairment charge have improved
further in the third quarter.
Our capital, leverage and liquidity ratios remain strong. We are well equipped to deal with regulatory change as Basel
III is implemented between now and 2019.
We understand what is required of us to support private-sector led economic activity and have lent some £35bn to
UK households and businesses in 2010, an increase of over 30% versus the same period in 2009."
John Varley, Group Chief Executive
Nine Months Ended Nine Months Ended
Group Unaudited Results 30.09.10 30.09.09
£m £m % Change
Total income net of insurance claims 22,872 22,358 2
Impairment charges and other credit provisions (4,298) (6,214) (31)
Net income 18,574 16,144 15
Operating expenses (14,476) (12,233) 18
Profit before tax 4,274 4,107 4
Own credit charge 96 1,298 (93)
Gains on acquisitions and disposals (134) (178) (25)
Gains on debt buy-backs - (1,249) nm
Adjusted profit before tax 4,236 3,978 6
Profit after tax 3,206 3,161 1
Profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 2,480 2,489 nm
Basic earnings per share 21.3p 23.0p (7)
Diluted earnings per share 19.9p 21.8p (9)
Dividend per share 3.0p 1.0p nm
Performance Measures
Return on average shareholders' equity 6.7% 8.7% nm
Return on average tangible shareholders' equity 8.1% 12.0% nm
Return on average risk weighted assets 1.1% 1.0% nm
Cost:income ratio 63% 55% nm
Cost:net income ratio 78% 76% nm
Cost:income ratio (excluding own credit) 63% 52% nm
Cost:net income ratio (excluding own credit) 78% 70% nm
Capital and Balance Sheet 30.09.10 30.06.10 % change
Core Tier 1 ratio 10.0% 10.0% nm
Risk weighted assets £405bn £395bn 3
Adjusted gross leverage 21x 20x nm
Group liquidity pool £162bn £160bn 1
Net asset value per share 418p 412p nm
Net tangible asset value per share 345p 338p nm

Q310 Interim Management Statement
Performance Summary
• Group profit before tax for the year-to-date of £4,274m up 4% (2009: £4,107m)
• Profit before tax for Q3 excluding own credit of £1,274m, up from £1,174m for Q2
• Income for the year-to-date of £22,872m up 2% (2009: £22,358m)
• Impairment of £4,298m down 31% (2009: £6,214m) giving a year-to-date annualised loan loss rate of 110bps
(2009: 151bps)
• Net income of £18,574m up 15% (2009: £16,144m)
• Operating expenses of £14,476m up 18% (2009: £12,233m) reflecting continued investment in the businesses
• Annualised net interest margin for GRB, Barclays Corporate, Barclays Wealth and Absa up slightly versus the
first half
• Core Tier One ratio of 10.0%
• Wholesale term issuance of £28bn in first nine months and strong liquidity maintained
• Increased gross new lending to UK households and businesses of £35bn, including Standard Life Bank (2009:
• Third interim dividend of 1.0p per share, making 3.0p for the year-to-date
Group Performance and Returns
Group profit before tax for the nine months ended 30th September 2010 was £4,274m up 4% (2009: £4,107m).
Excluding movements on own credit, gains on acquisitions and disposals and gains on debt buy-backs, profit before
tax increased 6% to £4,236m (2009: £3,978m). Income increased 2% to £22,872m (2009: £22,358m) in part
reflecting the subdued macroeconomic environment. Impairment charges improved 31% to £4,298m (2009:
£6,214m), while operating expenses increased 18% to £14,476m (2009: £12,233m). The increase in operating
expenses principally reflected continuing increased investment in the Group’s businesses of £917m, increased
regulatory charges and infrastructure costs of £599m and increased pension charges of £224m.
Profit before tax for Q3 was £327m which included an own credit charge of £947m. Excluding own credit, profit
before tax improved to £1,274m in Q3 from £1,174m in Q2, with a decrease in profit at Barclays Capital more than
offset by an increase across other businesses. Performance for each quarter since 1st January 2009 is set out in
Appendix I.
Capital, Leverage and Liquidity
As at 30th September 2010, the Group had a Core Tier 1 ratio of 10.0% (30th June 2010: 10.0%). On 8th October
2010, warrants were exercised resulting in the issue of 131m ordinary shares in Barclays PLC for a consideration of
£260m. This would have increased the Core Tier 1 ratio as at 30th September 2010 by 6bps.
Risk weighted assets increased 3% to £405bn from £395bn as at 30th June 2010. The net tangible asset value per
share increased to 345p (30th June 2010: 338p).
Adjusted gross leverage was 21x as at 30th September 2010 and has moved in the range of 20x to 24x during the
nine months to 30th September 2010, reflecting normal fluctuations in trading activities.
The Group liquidity pool as at 30th September was £162bn (30th June 2010 £160bn), of which £149bn was in FSAeligible
pool assets (30th June 2010 £146bn). The cost of maintaining this pool for the first nine months of 2010
was close to £700m. Taking the latest proposed Basel III liquidity metrics and applying them to the Group balance
sheet as at 30th September, our short term Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) is 84%.
At the beginning of 2010, the Group had £4bn of publicly issued term debt and £11bn of term structured notes
maturing during the year. Year-to-date the Group has issued approximately £28bn of term funding, across our
senior unsecured, structured and covered bond platforms. During the year-to-date the Group has also accelerated
repayment of liabilities under certain central bank facilities.

Q310 Interim Management Statement
Profit Before Tax by Business
Nine Months Ended Nine Months Ended
30.09.10 30.09.09
£m £m % Change
UK Retail Banking 734 610 20
Barclaycard 561 570 (2)
Western Europe Retail Banking (34) 237 nm
Barclays Africa 106 93 14
Global Retail Banking 1,367 1,510 (9)
Barclays Capital 3,218 1,416 127
Barclays Corporate (414) 300 nm
UK & Ireland 575 624 (8)
Continental Europe (712) (26) nm
New Markets (277) (298) 7
Barclays Wealth 122 112 9
Investment Management 55 2 nm
Absa 448 372 20
Head Office Functions and Other Operations (522) 395 nm
Profit before tax 4,274 4,107 4

Business Commentary
Global Retail Banking profit before tax for the nine month period fell by 9% to £1,367m (2009: £1,510m). Income
was broadly flat at £7,824m (2009: £7,755m) reflecting business growth, offset by a decline in net interest margin
and lower fee and commission income. Impairment charges improved by 9% resulting in improved risk adjusted
margins. Operating expenses increased by 10% reflecting higher pension charges, in part a result of lower pension
credits of £146m (2009: £213m), as well as the impact of acquisitions and higher ongoing regulatory-related costs.
The performance of the businesses within Global Retail Banking is summarised below:
• UK Retail Banking profit before tax increased 20% to £734m (2009: £610m), including a £100m gain on the
acquisition of Standard Life Bank. A solid increase in income reflected strong balance sheet growth. Including
Standard Life Bank, net mortgage lending was £4.8bn, with gross mortgage lending of £20.6bn. Impairment
charges improved year-on-year reflecting the better economic environment. Operating expenses increased
mainly as a result of increased pension charges.
• Barclaycard profit before tax was broadly unchanged at £561m (2009: £570m). A moderate decline in income
reflected the impact of the Credit Card Act in the US. Impairment charges improved, reflecting in particular a
reduced 90 day delinquency rate in the US. Operating expenses increased principally due to higher pension
charges. Profit before tax demonstrated a positive quarterly improvement during 2010, with Q3 improving by
23% compared to Q2.
• Western Europe Retail Banking incurred a loss of £34m (2009: profit of £237m) as the economic environment
continued to be very challenging. The majority of the decrease was due to lower gains on acquisitions and
disposals in 2010. Income decreased 8% due to continued liability margin compression and lower treasury
interest income, partially offset by increases from the growth in the credit cards business. Impairment charges
improved by 9%. Operating expenses increased due to investment in developing the franchise in Portugal and
Italy, in particular significant increases in the size of the branch networks, and costs associated with the
expansion of the credit card businesses in these markets.
• Barclays Africa profit before tax increased 14% to £106m (2009: £93m). The improvement in underlying
profitability was stronger still given a one-off gain of £24m from sale of shares in Barclays Bank of Botswana
Limited in 2009. Income increased as a result of improved net interest margins and trading income. Impairment
charges improved significantly as a result of a better economic environment coupled with improved collections.
Operating expenses increased reflecting continuing investment in infrastructure and higher staff-related costs.

Q310 Interim Management Statement
Barclays Capital profit before tax increased substantially to £3,218m (2009: £1,416m). Excluding own credit, profit
before tax grew 22% to £3,314m (2009: £2,714m) and net income excluding own credit grew 21% to £9,392m
(2009: £7,749m). Total income increased to £9,617m up 11% (2009: £8,671m). This reflected a substantial
reduction in losses taken through income relating to credit market exposures which fell to £240m (2009: £4,251m)
and losses relating to own credit of £96m (2009: loss of £1,298m). Top-line income, which excludes these items,
was £9,953m down 30% on the strong prior year performance. Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities top-line
income of £6,896m declined 37%, reflecting lower contributions from Rates and Commodities, partially offset by
improved performance in Foreign Exchange. Equities and Prime Services top-line income of £1,415m declined 23%,
as growth in Cash Equities was more than offset by subdued market activity in European Equity Derivatives.
Investment Banking revenues of £1,518m declined 2%.
Top-line income in the third quarter of 2010 was £2,827m, down 14% on the second quarter of 2010. Market
conditions remained challenging in the third quarter of 2010, with income also affected by a seasonal reduction in
activity. Lower demand led to Q3 on Q2 declines in the Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities business of 14%
and the Equities and Prime Services businesses of 36%, which more than offset a 9% increase in the contribution
from Investment Banking activities.
Impairment charges of £321m for 2010 were significantly improved (2009: £2,220m). Operating expenses
increased 21%, broadly in line with the increase in net income excluding own credit. This largely reflected the
continuing build-out of our sales, origination, trading and research activities, and increased charges relating to
prior year compensation deferrals. Cost to net income (excluding own credit) was 65%. The compensation charge
represented 43% of income excluding own credit, compared to 42% for the six months to 30th June 2010.
Barclays Corporate recorded a loss before tax of £414m (2009: profit of £300m). Losses within Continental Europe
and New Markets more than offset the profit in the UK & Ireland.
• UK & Ireland profit before tax decreased 8% to £575m (2009: £624m). Excluding the benefits of the 2009 buyback
of securitised debt of £85m, profits increased by 7% (£36m). Operating expenses increased, mainly as a
result of higher pension charges. Impairment charges were 31% lower.
• Continental Europe loss before tax increased to £712m (2009: £26m) principally driven by higher impairment
charges in Spain. The impairment charge in Spain for Q3 was £198m, following a charge of £553m for H1.
Income declined mainly reflecting lower levels of net interest income in Spain.
• New Markets loss before tax decreased to £277m (2009: £298m) including restructuring costs of £94m.
Excluding restructuring, loss before tax reduced as lower income, reflecting reduced risk appetite, was more
than offset by lower impairment charges.
Barclays Wealth profit before tax increased 9% to £122m (2009: £112m). Strong income growth was driven by the
High Net Worth businesses. Impairment charges were slightly lower than in 2009. We continue to invest in the
Barclays Wealth strategic investment programme and investment costs are anticipated to be approximately £80m
in H2 versus £33m in H1. Client assets increased 5% to £158bn since the year end.
Investment Management profit before tax was £55m (2009: £2m) principally reflecting dividend income from the
19.9% holding in BlackRock, Inc. The value of this holding of 37.567m shares as at 30th September 2010 was
recorded at £4,061m (30th June 2010: £3,604m). The available for sale reserve impact relating to this investment as
at 30th September 2010 was £1.4bn and is already reflected in our Core Tier 1 ratio.
Absa profit before tax increased 20% to £448m (2009: £372m), reflecting a credit relating to the Group's
recognition of a pension surplus and the appreciation of the Rand against Sterling. In Rand terms, income was
broadly flat, impairment charges improved while operating expenses increased.
Head Office Functions and Other Operations recorded a loss before tax of £522m (2009: gain of £395m)
principally reflecting the non-recurrence of the gain of £1,164m on debt buy-backs in the first nine months of

Q310 Interim Management Statement
Impairment charges and other credit provisions improved significantly to £4,298m (2009: £6,214m). Impairment
charges on loans and advances fell by 25% to £4,187m (2009: £5,563m). The annualised loan loss rate for the first
nine months reduced to 110 bps (2009: 151bps).
The reduction in impairment on loans and advances was primarily due to lower charges in:
• Retail portfolios, where impairments totalled £2,523m (2009: £2,942m) representing improved performances in
the majority of the secured and unsecured portfolios.
• Wholesale portfolios, where impairments totalled £1,664m (2009: £2,621m) representing fewer large single
name charges, partially offset by higher impairment charges in Spain.
Impairment charges on available for sale and reverse repurchase agreements were £111m (2009: £651m).
Total impairment relating to Barclays Capital credit market exposures reduced from £1,424m to £322m. The
majority is reflected in the wholesale portfolios above, with the impairment on available for sale assets and reverse
repurchase agreements reducing to nil (2009: £464m).
See Appendix II for more information on impairment and loan balances, and Appendix III for Barclays Capital Credit
Market Exposures.
Current Trading
Group income in October was consistent with the run rate for the first nine months of the year. At Barclays Capital,
top-line income in October was consistent with the run rate for the third quarter.
It is our policy to declare and pay dividends on a quarterly basis. We will pay a third interim cash dividend for 2010
of 1p per share on 10th December 2010 giving a declared dividend for the year-to-date of 3p per share.

Q310 Interim Management Statement
• Unless otherwise stated, all disclosed figures relate to continuing operations.
• Unless otherwise stated, the income statement analyses compare the nine months to 30th September 2010 to
the nine months of 2009. Balance sheet comparisons, unless othewise stated, relate to the corresponding
position at 30th June 2010.
• The financial information on which this Interim Management Statement is based, and the credit market
exposures and other data set out in the appendices to this statement, are unaudited and have been prepared in
accordance with Barclays previously stated accounting policies described in the 2009 Annual Report. A glossary
of terms is also set out in the 2009 Annual Report.
• For qualifying US and Canadian resident ADR holders, the interim dividend of 1p per ordinary share becomes 4p
per ADS (representing four shares). The ADR depositary will mail the interim dividend on Friday, 10th
December 2010 to ADR holders on the record on Friday, 19th November 2010.
• Shareholders may have their dividends reinvested in Barclays PLC shares by participating in the Barclays
Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP). The DRIP is available to all shareholders, including members of Barclays
Sharestore, provided that they neither live in nor are subject to the jurisdiction of any country where their
participation in the DRIP would require Barclays or The Plan Administrator to Barclays DRIP to take action to
comply with local government or regulatory procedures or any similar formalities. Any shareholder wishing to
obtain details and a form to join the DRIP should contact The Plan Administrator to Barclays DRIP by writing to:
The Plan Administrator to Barclays DRIP, Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN99 6DA, United
Kingdom, or by telephoning 0871 384 2055* from the UK or +44 (0)121 415 7004 from overseas. The
completed form should be returned to The Plan Administrator to Barclays DRIP on or before Friday, 19th
November 2010 by 5.00pm for it to be effective in time for the payment of the dividend on Friday, 10th
December 2010. Shareholders who are already in the DRIP need take no action unless they wish to change their
instructions in which case they should write to The Plan Administrator to Barclays DRIP at the above address.

Event Date
Ex-dividend date Wednesday, 17th November 2010
Dividend Record date Friday, 19th November 2010
Dividend Payment date Friday, 10th December 2010
2010 Full Year Results Announcement Tuesday, 15th February 2011
Q1 2011 Interim Management Statement Wednesday, 27th April 2011

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