New Gold has continued exploration success at the Peak Mines.

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Overig advies 16/11/2015 07:33
TORONTO, Nov. 15, 2015 /CNW/ - New Gold Inc. ("New Gold") (TSX:NGD) (NYSE MKT:NGD) today provides an update on the company's exploration success at the Peak Mines ("Peak"). The company's 2015 exploration efforts have resulted in the discovery of two new zones of polymetallic mineralization, Chronos and Anjea, both located immediately adjacent to current and past-producing ore deposits within Peak's main nine-kilometre long mine corridor. Chronos is a zone of gold-silver-copper-lead-zinc mineralization located directly above the Perseverance ore body which is currently in production and adjacent to the Peak mill. Anjea is a zone of copper-gold-silver-lead-zinc mineralization located adjacent to the historic Great Cobar mine and approximately nine kilometres north of the Peak mill.

For full drill hole results and additional information related to the location of the Chronos and Anjea zones, refer to the news release filed on SEDAR at or on the company's website at

"We are very pleased to have discovered two new zones of mineralization in such close proximity to our existing infrastructure," stated Mark Petersen, Vice President Exploration. "It is rewarding to see a mine that has already delivered over twenty years of resource replacement continue to demonstrate such strong potential for new discoveries. We look forward to building further on the results at both Chronos and Anjea as well as several newly emerging mineralized prospects between them."

Thus far, the Chronos zone has been delineated over a vertical height of 280 metres, a strike length of 40 to 50 metres and an average true width that ranges from 10 to 25 metres. The zone intersects the top of the Perseverance deposit at a vertical depth of approximately 850 metres from surface and remains open along strike to the north and south and upward for an additional 450 to 500 metres toward the surface. To date 47 holes have been drilled into Chronos, with 46 of the holes intercepting significant lead-zinc mineralization and visible gold observed in 15 of the holes. Based on the assay results received for 40 holes to date, the Chronos zone appears to be comprised of three sub-parallel vertically-oriented mineralized lenses – Main, East and West. The Main lens includes high-grade gold along with silver, copper, lead and zinc; the East lens, which has the most drill intercepts, and the West lens, which is the least well defined, contain primarily silver, lead and zinc with some localized gold. The results of the 40 holes reported today will be incorporated into the company's 2015 year-end mineral resource estimate. Additional exploration drilling at Chronos is currently ongoing.

The Anjea zone is located approximately 200 metres to the south of the historic Great Cobar mine. Beginning at a depth of less than 100 metres from surface, the Anjea zone has been delineated over dimensions measuring approximately 1,000 metres vertically, 150 to 200 metres along strike and 30 to 80 metres in width. Similar to Chronos, the Anjea zone appears to be made up of a series of sub-parallel vertically-oriented lenses. Two of the lenses host high-grade copper with associated gold mineralization, similar to what was mined historically at Great Cobar. These lenses remain open along strike and approximately 330 metres toward the surface. A third lens, hosting primarily silver, lead and zinc mineralization, is located approximately 40 metres to the west with near surface mineralization that remains open along strike and below a vertical depth of 900 metres. Additional exploration drilling to further define a mineral resource estimate at Anjea is planned for 2016.

New Gold owns all of the surface and mineral rights covering the Chronos and Anjea zones. The company is well positioned to continue its exploration efforts. As the Peak mill is not currently configured to recover lead and zinc, once Chronos and Anjea are more fully delineated, New Gold will evaluate the various processing options available with the objective of generating maximum economic return from these two newly discovered zones of prospective mineralization.

New Gold looks forward to providing a further update on the company's exploration initiatives at Peak, as well as its other properties, as part of its annual Investor Day in early February 2016.

New Gold is an intermediate gold mining company. The company has a portfolio of four producing assets and three significant development projects. The New Afton Mine in Canada, the Mesquite Mine in the United States, the Peak Mines in Australia and the Cerro San Pedro Mine in Mexico, provide the company with its current production base. In addition, New Gold owns 100% of the Rainy River and Blackwater projects, both in Canada, as well as an interest in the El Morro project located in Chile. New Gold's objective is to be the leading intermediate gold producer, focused on the environment and social responsibility. For further information on the company, please visit

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