Belgacom: revenue up 1.6% and EBITDA up 6.4%

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Overig advies 25/02/2005 09:23
Free cash flow reached EUR 1,421 million at the end of 2004.
Net income amounted to EUR 922 million for the year.
Earnings per share (EPS) are up to 2.57 EUR.

Group revenue up by 1.6% compared to the previous year to EUR 5,540 million.
Group EBITDA excluding non-recurring items, increased by 6.4% mainly thanks to Fixed Line Services (FLS), via a strict cost control policy on operating expenses.
EBITDA margin excluding non-recurring items rose to 43,2%.
Net profit (Group share) amounted to EUR 922 million
Earnings per share (EPS) at EUR 2,57.
Cash flow before financing activities (Free Cash Flow) reached EUR 1,421 million.
Fixed Line Services won back more than 142,000 customers by end 2004.
Mobile Communication Services maintained an EBITDA margin above 50%.
Belgacom SA and Swisscom Fixnet AG combined their International Carrier Services businesses.
Normal Dividend of EUR 1.38 per share and an Extra-ordinary dividend of EUR 0.55 will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting on 13 April 2005.
Share buy-back for a maximum amount of EUR 300 million has been approved.

Belgacom: Philippe Vander Putten wordt Voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur, en wordt als CEO van Proximus opgevolgd door huidig COO Michel Georgis.

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