Geen handel met voorkennis bij Crucell en partner sluit contract af.

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Beleggingsadvies 01/04/2005 17:17
AFM rondt onderzoek af naar optie uitoefening top Crucell.

Uit het onderzoek is niets gebleken van handel met voorwetenschap.

De AFM heeft Crucell medegedeeld dat haar onderzoek naar de uitoefening van opties en de daaropvolgende verkoop van aandelen op 18 januari 2005 door een aantal leden van de Raad van Bestuur en Raad van Commissarissen is afgerond.
Er is een handelsonderbreking van de aandelen Crucell op dit moment.

Over Crucell
Crucell N.V. is een biotechnologiebedrijf gericht op het ontwikkelen van vaccins en antistoffen voor de bestrijding van infectieziekten, waaronder Ebola, influenza, malaria, West-Nijl virus en hondsdolheid. Ontwikkelingsactiviteiten van het bedrijf zijn onder andere samenwerkingen met Sanofi Pasteur voor griepvaccins, de U.S. National Institutes of Health voor Ebola en malaria vaccins en GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Walter Reed Army Institute of Research en New York University voor een malaria vaccin. Crucell's producten zijn gebaseerd op zijn innovatieve PER.C6® technologie, welke een veiligere, efficiëntere manier voor het produceren van biofarmaceutische producten mogelijk maakt. Crucell licenseert zijn PER.C6® technologie voornamelijk op niet-exclusieve basis aan de biofarmaceutische industrie. Licentiehouders en contractproducenten zijn onder andere DSM Biologics, GSK, Centocor/J&J en Merck & Co., Inc. Crucell is gevestigd in Leiden en staat genoteerd op Euronext en NASDAQ (tickersymbool CRXL). Meer informatie kunt u vinden op de website

Nieuw contract.
Crucell’s Cell-Culture Technology to Be Part of Major U.S. Government Influenza Pandemic Vaccine Program

The Netherlands, April 1, 2005 –Dutch biotechnology company Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL) announced today that its partner sanofi pasteur, the vaccines business of the sanofi-aventis Group, has been awarded a $97 million contract by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The objective of the contract is to accelerate the licensure in the U.S. of a PER.C6® based cell-culture influenza vaccine and vaccine manufacturing facility. Crucell will be a subcontractor for the program. Terms of the subcontracting agreement between Crucell and sanofi pasteur were not disclosed.

The project is part of the U.S. government’s effort to increase influenza vaccine manufacturing capacity in the event of a pandemic or other influenza health emergency.

As a result of the agreement, sanofi pasteur has announced that it will accelerate its PER.C6® influenza vaccine program. At the end of three years, Phase 1 and 2 clinical studies will be completed and Phase 3 will be underway. In addition, sanofi pasteur announced it will deliver to the HHS a feasibility plan for the construction of a U.S.-based and licensed cell-culture production plant for supplying up to 300 million monovalent influenza vaccine doses annually. Under the terms of the contract, sanofi pasteur will accelerate the existing project in order to complete a detailed design approximately two years earlier than originally intended. Sanofi pasteur will entirely refit a vaccine development facility for the project and design and test the process from small to mid-sized industrial scale. Lonza Biologics plc., a biotechnology contract manufacturer and subsidiary of The Lonza Group, will contribute to key activities related to the scale up to very large volumes of PER.C6® cell culture and engineering design of the production facility. The contract does not include the actual construction of the plant.

"We are very pleased that Crucell’s PER.C6® cell line will be the platform for creating a new influenza vaccine," commented Crucell’s CEO, Ronald Brus.

"Producing sufficient influenza vaccine in case of an influenza pandemic will require a flexible, large-scale manufacturing system that can produce all influenza virus strains," added Dr Jaap Goudsmit, Crucell’s Chief Scientific Officer. "We are pleased that the U.S. government selected the PER.C6® production technology as well positioned to meet those requirements."

About Pandemic Influenza

An influenza pandemic has greater potential to cause rapid increases in death and illness than virtually any other natural health threat. A pandemic occurs when there is a major change in the influenza virus resulting in most or all of the world’s population being at risk. Three pandemics occurred during the 20th century, the most severe of which, in 1918, caused over 500,000 U.S. deaths and more than 20 million deaths worldwide. Recent outbreaks of human disease and death caused by avian influenza strains in Thailand, The Netherlands and elsewhere around the world highlight the potential of new strains to infect populations. Recent manufacturing issues at Chiron's egg-based influenza vaccine facility during the 2004 influenza season underline the world’s vulnerability with currently available products and production facilities.

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