Bericht van, Perceptronix Launches LungSign.Com:

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Beleggingsadvies 08/06/2007 08:22
Perceptronix Launches LungSign.Com: Providing Exciting Information on Innovative Technology That Brings New Hope to Those at Risk for Lung Cancer
Perceptronix Medical Inc. ("Perceptronix"), a private biotechnology
company focused on detecting cancer at early stages, is pleased to
announce the launch of its new website, is designed to be a primary resource for patients and
healthcare providers interested in the early detection of lung

The prognosis for lung cancer has not improved over the past 10
years: the 5-year relative survival rate for all stages of lung
cancer combined is only 15%. When it comes to any cancer, research
shows that early detection is key to extending lives and improving
the quality of life for those who are ill. When lung cancer is found
early and treated before it has spread to lymph nodes or other
organs, the average 5-year relative survival rate increases to 49%. provides information on Perceptronix' innovative
LungSign(TM) technology that will revolutionize the process of
detecting cancer at its earliest stages. LungSign(TM) is a safe,
simple and non-invasive test used to assess a patient's risk of lung

"We are very excited about launching this new website," commented
Rohini Hira, Vice President Sales & Marketing for Perceptronix.
"Patients are in a constant search for information about their health
and healthcare providers are always assessing new and improved ways
to evaluate their patients' conditions. The new website,
is our way of providing a comprehensive education and information
resource for those interested in early detection lung cancer."

LungSign(TM) is the first test to market that provides both an
independent result to help with the early detection of lung cancer
and a useful complement to current radiological diagnostic methods.
LungSign(TM) is based on an innovative marker in sputum, called
malignancy associate changes (MAC), that is highly correlated with
the presence of lung malignancy - even in early-stage disease. By
analyzing the lung cells commonly found in sputum, LungSign(TM) can
detect cancer before it spreads, increasing the likelihood of
successful treatment.

Dr. Roger Kemp, a key scientist involved in the development of
LungSign(TM) further explained, "Laboratories will benefit from using
LungSign(TM) as it is a significant improvement over conventional
cytology or marker-based tests, which rely on the presence of
abnormal cells to detect lung cancer. We expect the use of
LungSign(TM) to enable cancer detection at the earliest stage which
is key to improving patient outcomes."

About LungSign(TM)
LungSign(TM) is based on the ClearSign technology platform developed
by Perceptronix. LungSign(TM) is a safe, simple, non-invasive test
used to assess a patient's risk of developing lung cancer. By
analyzing the lung cells commonly found in sputum, LungSign(TM) can
detect cancer before it spreads, increasing the likelihood of
successful treatment.

It has been designed to test for early-stage, pre-symptomatic lung
cancer in high-risk individuals - men and women over 50 years old,
with a history of cigarette smoking, exposure to second-hand smoke,
or significant exposure to carcinogens such as radon and asbestos. In
addition, for patients who have had CT scans that found small,
possibly cancerous nodules, LungSign(TM) results may help shorten the
diagnostic process.

About Perceptronix Medical Inc. (

Perceptronix Medical Inc. (founded in 1999) is a private cancer
diagnostics company based in Vancouver, Canada. Perceptronix
commercializes early cancer detection technologies developed in
partnership with the BC Cancer Agency, a world-leader in cancer care
and research, with a particularly notable track record in pioneering
early cancer detection programs.

Perceptronix is focused on offering quantitative image cell analysis
services for early cancer detection. Perceptronix' products and
services offer an improvement over existing detection and
localization technologies and provide physicians with increased
options for prolonging and improving the quality of patients' lives.

This news release is not, and under no circumstances, to be construed
as, an advertisement, solicitation or offering of securities of
Perceptronix Medical Inc. The statements made in this news release
may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number
of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ from
the Company's expectations.

Smith Biotech
Amanda Smith, BSc
Media Contact
(778) 846-4116

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