Teijin, Lexus LFA Uses Toho Tenax Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastics

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Beleggingsadvies 06/12/2009 14:32
Toho Tenax, the core company of the Teijin Group's carbon fiber business, announced today that its carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) has been adopted for the cabin and various components of the Lexus LFA, a new Lexus "F" premium sports car series Toyota Motors unveiled at this year's Tokyo Motor Show and will begin marketing at the end of 2010.

A total of 65 percent of the Lexus LFA's cabin will be made with CFRP, enabling the cabin to weigh 100 kilograms less than a comparable aluminum cabin, yet still maintaining high rigidity. CFRP also will be used for the diffuser, speed-controlled rear wing and interior components, contributing to the vehicle's considerable weight savings. Toho Tenax supplies its materials to most of the CFRP components used in the Lexus LFA.

Toho Tenax developed the components in cooperation with Toyota group companies, parts manufacturers and the Teijin Composite Innovation Center (TCIC). The new components represent important steps forward in the use of carbon fiber for core automotive components.

By 2020, around four million electric vehicles and other environmentally friendly next-generation automobiles are expected to be on the market. As the market steadily shifts towards these environmentally-aware vehicles, robust demand is envisioned for high-rigidity, ultra-lightweight carbon fiber composite materials, such as those offered by Toho Tenax.

Going forward, Toho Tenax will collaborate with TCIC to further develop carbon fiber composite materials and related technologies, placing a focus on automotive applications targeted at both high-end and mass-production vehicles.

About Teijin
Based in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, Teijin is a global technology-driven group operating in five main fields: synthetic fibers (polyester fibers, carbon fibers and aramid fibers); films and plastics; pharmaceuticals and home health care; trading and retail; and IT and new products. Teijin Limited, the holding company for the Teijin Group, is listed on the Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges. The group had consolidated sales of USD 10.5 billion (JPY 943.4 billion, USD 1=JPY 90) in fiscal 2008 and employs 19,453 people worldwide, with 169 companies around the world.

Japan's Teijin Limited has transferred its 50% ownership in NatureWorks LLC back to Cargill and terminated the joint-venture contract with Cargill regarding NatureWorks.(Industry News and Notes)
Magazine article from: Plastics

Ons hebben berichten bereikt dat de Japanners contacten hebben met Thailand. Daar heeft CSM (Purac) een ultra moderne fabriek staan voor de levering van afbreekbaar Plastics, en Teijin wil volgens die berichten daar haar grondstoffen gaan betrekken.
Wij kunnen van partijen GEEN bevestiging krijgen. Wel heeft de CEO van CSM de heer Hoetmer in de media laten doorlekken, dat CSM spoedig met een besluit komt om in Thailand nog een 2e fabriek te gaan bouwen voor de fabricage van grondstof afbreekbaar plastics.
De vraag (wereldwijd)is al zoveel, dat in 2015 al niet meer aan de vraag voor de grondstof van afbreekbaar Plastics voldaan kan worden. Daarom die bouw tweede fabriek in Thailand.
Dan is ook het opzeggen van de samenwerking van Teijin met Cargill begrijpelijk.
Waarom ver zoeken terwijl je dichtbij kan halen.

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