Novartis delivers strong financial performance in second quarter, underpinned by increased momentum in innovation

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Beleggingsadvies 15/07/2010 10:57
. Double-digit growth in the second quarter with excellent contributions from all divisions
. Net sales up 11% (+12% in constant currencies, or cc) to USD 11.7 billion; first half up 18% (+15% cc) to USD 23.8 billion
. Operating income grows 25% (+24% cc) to USD 3.0 billion; core operating income up 23% (+23% cc) to USD 3.3 billion
. Core margin improves by 2.7 percentage points to 28% of net sales
. EPS up 18% (+17% cc) to USD 1.06; core EPS rises 14% (+14% cc) to USD 1.20
. Free cash flow before dividends up 24% (USD 2.4 billion); first half free cash flow up 54% to USD 5.3 billion
. Strong performance driven by continued portfolio rejuvenation and innovation
. Unanimous FDA Advisory Committee recommendation for FTY720 approval as therapy for multiple sclerosis
. US approval of Tasigna as first-line therapy for chronic myeloid leukemia
. Group's recently launched products contribute 21% of net sales (USD 2.4 billion); USD 5.5 billion for first half
. Oncology franchise showcased at ASCO with 170 abstracts highlighting investigational uses of current therapies and new agents

Key figures
Q2 2010 Q2 2009 % change H1 2010 H1 2009 % change
USD m USD m USD cc USD m USD m USD cc
Net sales 11 716 10 546 11 12 23 847 20 255 18 15
Operating income 2 961 2 364 25 24 6 472 4 711 37 33
Net income 2 437 2 044 19 18 5 385 4 019 34 29
EPS (USD) 1.06 0.90 18 17 2.34 1.76 33 28
Free cash flow[1] 2 368 1 916 24 5 271 3 422 54
Operating income 3 276 2 663 23 23 7 141 5 274 35 32
Net income 2 771 2 394 16 15 6 080 4 696 29 25
EPS (USD) 1.20 1.05 14 14 2.65 2.06 29 24

[1] Before dividends

[2] Core results for operating income, net income and earnings per share (EPS) eliminate the amortization of intangible assets, the impact of acquisition-related factors and other significant exceptional items. See page 44 for further information.

Basel, July 15, 2010 - Commenting on the results, Joseph Jimenez, CEO of Novartis, said: "I am pleased that Novartis once again delivered strong above-market, double-digit growth in the second quarter of 2010. Our results were driven by our success in innovation across the portfolio, as recently launched products comprised 21% of Group sales. We are making great progress on all three strategic priorities of innovation, growth and productivity."


Second quarter

Novartis delivered a strong performance in the second quarter of 2010 - with the rapid expansion of recently launched products and important regulatory approvals achieved for new medicines - as the Group made progress on its agenda on innovation, growth and productivity.

Net sales rose 11% (+12% cc) to USD 11.7 billion with currency movements depressing the result by 1 percentage point. Rejuvenation of the portfolio continued with recently launched products generating sales of USD 2.4 billion - 21% of total sales including A(H1N1) pandemic vaccines. For the Group, volume grew by 12 percentage points, price was a negative 1 percentage point and acquisitions contributed 1 percentage point. Pharmaceuticals (USD 7.7 billion, +8% cc) advanced in all regions and maintained solid volume growth. Vaccines and Diagnostics (USD 0.6 billion, +135% cc) achieved considerable gains, including USD 0.2 billion from recognition of A(H1N1) pandemic vaccine sales. Sandoz (USD 2.0 billion, +13% cc) grew on successful new product launches and the contribution of EBEWE Pharma. All Consumer Health businesses (USD 1.5 billion, +7% cc) had strong performances.

Operating income rose 25% (+24% cc) to USD 3.0 billion including 1 percentage point from favorable currency movements. Operating income includes a pension gain of USD 265 million, offset by provisions for litigation and legal settlements of USD 231 million and impairments of assets of USD 82 million. The operating income margin improved 2.9 percentage points to 25.3% of net sales from 22.4% in the 2009 period. Core operating income, which excludes exceptional items and amortization of intangible assets in both periods, rose 23% (+23% cc) to USD 3.3 billion, and the core operating income margin rose 2.7 percentage points to 28.0% of net sales.

Earnings per share (EPS) increased 18% (+17% cc) to USD 1.06 while core EPS was up 14% (14% cc) in the second quarter to USD 1.20.

First half

In the first half of the year, Novartis Group net sales rose by 18% (+15% cc) to USD 23.8 billion. Recently launched products generated sales of USD 5.5 billion, 23% of net sales. Sales benefitted from 3 percentage points in currency movements. Volume grew by 16 percentage points, price was negative 2 percentage points and acquisitions contributed 1 percentage point. All regions of our Pharmaceuticals organization advanced (USD 15 billion, +8% cc) and maintained solid volume growth. Recognition of A(H1N1) pandemic vaccine sales provided USD 1.3 billion for Vaccines and Diagnostics, which achieved significant growth overall (USD 1.9 billion, +287% cc). Sandoz had a strong first half and grew (USD 4.0 billion, +11% cc) due to the successful launch of new products and the acquisition of EBEWE Pharma. All Consumer Health businesses (USD 3.0 billion, +7% cc) outperformed their markets.

Operating income rose 37% (+33% cc) to USD 6.5 billion including 4 percentage points of favorable currency movements. Included in operating income is a one-time pension gain of USD 265 million offset by litigation charges totaling USD 237 million and impairments totaling USD 147 million. The first half of 2010 operating income margin improved 3.8 percentage points to 27.1% of net sales, up from 23.3% in the first half of 2009. Core operating income, which excludes exceptional items and amortization of intangible assets in both periods, rose 35% (+32% cc) to USD 7.1 billion. The first half of 2010 core operating income margin rose 3.9 percentage points to 29.9% of net sales.

Earnings per share (EPS) in the first half of 2010 increased by 33% (+28% cc) to USD 2.34, while core EPS was up 29% (+24% cc) to USD 2.65 in the first half of 2010.

Delivering innovation, growth and productivity

Our above-market success in the second quarter of 2010 reinforces our focus on three strategic priorities, which together enable us to deliver life-saving medicines for patients and greater value for investors. These priorities are: (1) extending our lead in innovation by focusing on diseases with significant unmet need and delivering positive patient outcomes; (2) accelerating growth across all divisions through tailored commercial models that leverage our broad portfolio and expansion in emerging markets; and (3) driving productivity across our business to continue improving margins and reinvesting for future growth.

By focusing on these three areas, Novartis achieved strong growth in the second quarter despite challenges and volatility in the external environment. The diversity of our portfolio and our capacity to innovate across it provides a degree of insulation from dynamics such as the debt crisis and the increasing drive by governments toward healthcare cost containment.

Novartis has continued to deliver above-market growth by capturing the opportunities of rising global demand for medicines. At the core of this success is a sustained commitment to innovation, which has resulted in breakthrough products across our portfolio offering patients opportunities for improved health outcomes. Our ability to thrive in a challenging environment is consistent with our goal of becoming the world's most successful and respected healthcare company.

Extending our lead in innovation

Consistent R&D investment, differentiated new medicines and an industry-leading number of product approvals are the drivers of innovation at Novartis. We continue to strengthen our pipeline and have 58 new molecular entities in development.

We are encouraged by the recent unanimous recommendation by the US FDA Advisory Committee for approval of FTY720, an oral therapy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, a life-long debilitating disease affecting 2.5 million patients worldwide. Clinical trials demonstrated the efficacy and safety of FTY720, with participants showing reduced relapses and delayed disease progression.

Our oncology franchise continues to strengthen its competitive position - 170 abstracts were presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting - demonstrating the scale and breadth of our portfolio. Tasigna, our second drug under priority review by the FDA this year, was approved for first-line treatment of newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), providing a major advance for patients with blood cancer. At ASCO, we presented strong data that showed Tasigna surpassing Glivec in slowing disease progression for newly diagnosed CML patients. Demonstrating the potential efficacy of Afinitor against multiple cancers, a study presented at ASCO showed successful reduction of benign brain tumors (subependymal giant cell astrocytomas) associated with tuberous sclerosis in 75% of patients, which led to filing in the US and priority review designation. Separate Phase III study data released July 1, 2010 showed that Afinitor more than doubles the time without tumor growth in advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor patients. Additionally, RADIANT 2, a placebo-controlled Phase III study of Afinitor in combination with Sandostatin LAR versus Sandostatin LAR alone in patients with advanced carcinoid tumors missed the primary endpoint by a very small statistical margin (progression-free survival Hazard Ratio = 0.77 in favor of Afinitor, p = 0.026 versus p=0.024 predefined). An imbalance in baseline between the two treatment arms was observed and will be further investigated. Full data will be discussed with the Health Authorities in the context of the upcoming submission. Another key ASCO study demonstrated that the addition of Zometa to first-line chemotherapy treatment improved survival by 16% for newly diagnosed patients with multiple myeloma.

Our research strategy utilizes a unique disease pathways approach that can lead to the discovery of medicines effective across many therapeutic areas. This strategy generally starts with small indications where the pathway is best characterized before branching out into commercially larger fields. Consistent with this focused research strategy, new Phase II data demonstrates that ACZ885, currently marketed as Ilaris for the rare disease cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS), provided highly statistically significant risk reduction of acute flares in gout patients compared to the anti-inflammatory standard of care.

Sandoz continues to have success expanding its pipeline and portfolio of differentiated products. In the second quarter, Sandoz completed the acquisition of Oriel Therapeutics, providing exclusive rights to three promising projects for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as well as access to their novel FreePath(TM) drug delivery technology and Solis(TM) dry powder inhaler. Completion of the EBEWE acquisition last year has also positioned Sandoz to play a leading role in the rapidly growing market for generic oncology injectables.

Sandoz is the only generics company with 3 biosimilar products on the market providing invaluable insight into the successful exploitation of this major strategic opportunity: Zarzio, a treatment for low white blood cell count associated with chemotherapy treatment or advanced HIV infection, which was most recently launched in France, extending Sandoz's presence in biosimilars; Omnitrope, a treatment for children and adults with growth hormone deficiency, and Binocrit, a life-saving anemia medicine for patients suffering from kidney failure or undergoing chemotherapy. Sales of biosimilars grew by 66% in the second quarter.

In Vaccines and Diagnostics, we held positive discussions with the EMA regarding our multi-component meningococcal B vaccine (MenB) submission and are on track for filing, while in the US discussions with the FDA regarding the Phase III trial continue. MenB is important for Novartis, as the global meningitis market is large (USD 1.1 billion) and growing (expected to reach USD 2.7 billion by 2016). More importantly, the vaccine, developed via Novartis' pioneering "reverse vaccinology," has the potential, when approved, to fill a major unmet need for a broadly protective vaccine for children and infants two months and older.

Accelerating growth

Our momentum in innovation will sustain growth, with 21% of Group sales coming from recently launched products, already exceeding the anticipated loss of sales from products whose patents will be expiring over the next few years. As these products and the pipeline develop, the Novartis portfolio will increasingly become comprised of specialty care medicines.

To continue to win in a challenging environment with new pricing pressures, we are tailoring our commercial model and leveraging our broad portfolio to address the needs of and provide value to customers and patients in each market. We are also developing new ways of partnering with governments and large payors to realize shared objectives and improved patient outcomes.
Pharmaceuticals grew 8% (+8% cc) in the second quarter - growth in volume was 9% with an overall price effect of negative 1 percentage point. The rejuvenation of the product portfolio continues strongly, with growth of recently launched products reaching USD 1.6 billion, representing 43% growth over the second quarter of 2009. In Europe, where pricing pressures have been most intense, overall growth was 8 %, with volume gains of 12 percentage points demonstrating the quality of the new product portfolio.

Sandoz continued to build momentum in the second quarter, achieving robust double-digit growth in constant currencies. Much of the global growth was due to strong performance by the recent launches of losartan and metaxalone and the continued performance from tacrolimus. We also had particularly notable success in the US this quarter, where growth was up 37%, representing a significant turnaround from negative growth numbers in 2008. A key driver of growth for Sandoz was our ongoing global strength in biosimilars; sales in the second quarter were up 66% over the previous year.
While global sales of (A)H1N1 vaccines are now largely complete, our vaccines business is maintaining momentum with the launch of Menveo, a vaccine for meningococcal disease. In the second quarter, Menveo gained access to a majority of public accounts in the US, resulting in promising early uptake. In Europe, where Menveo is predominantly a travel vaccine, the first positive policy recommendations were received within a few months of approval. Additional approvals were achieved in Latin America and the first Asian markets. Indication expansions are on track to further strengthen the brand in 2011.

The Novartis Consumer Health businesses continue to be driven by strong growth of key brands. The Novartis Over-the-Counter (OTC) business unit generated positive growth with pain medications including Voltaren, a treatment for joint and muscle pain, which in the second quarter reached record market share as the second largest in the German OTC market. The second quarter launch of Pantoloc Control in 11 European countries combined with the Prevacid24HR achievement of a 25% share of the fast-growing proton pump inhibitors (PPI) market segment with sales now annualizing in excess of USD 200 million, will help further establish our gastrointestinal franchise. CIBA Vision, the fastest-growing lens care business, continues its strong performance with AirOptix and its expansion in all regions.

At the same time, all divisions are seeking to expand in emerging markets where growth in the second quarter was 16%, with particularly strong performances in South Korea (23%) and Russia (41%). In Russia, our Pharmaceuticals business experienced dynamic performance (42%) in specialty areas and new launches. Sandoz in Russia has been a key driver of generics growth in the second quarter (40%).

Driving productivity
In order to free up resources to improve margins and assure continued investment in innovation and growth, we are focused on improving efficiency and reducing costs across the whole business. Second quarter productivity initiatives added around 2 percentage points of margin improvement, of which approximately half was reinvested. In Cost of Goods Sold solid productivity improvements were made particularly in Sandoz and Consumer Health, but were insufficient overall to offset the impact of price decreases and inventory reductions. Good progress continues to be made with Sales & Marketing productivity initiatives, especially in Pharmaceuticals, where productivity gains exceed reinvestment.

Cash flow

The sustainability of our strategy lies with the generation of cash flow which provides the resources for reinvestment and creates shareholder return. Free cash flow before dividends generated in the quarter totaled USD 2.4 billion, an increase of 24% over the previous year, and for the six months amounted to USD 5.3 billion, rising 54% over the previous year.

Cash flow continues to be driven by increasing focus on the cash conversion cycle and operational cash flow improvements. Cash flow from operating activities increased to USD 3.0 billion in the second quarter (25.2% of net sales and an increase of 13% over 2009) and in the first half increased to USD 6.3 billion (26.3% of net sales and an increase of 37% over 2009).


We continue to make progress with the required regulatory approvals around the world. As a result, closing of the acquisition of 77% majority ownership of Alcon could be completed late in the third quarter or the fourth quarter of 2010. During the second quarter, an expanded commercial paper program was put in place to complete the preparatory steps for financing the acquisition.

2010 outlook

(Barring unforeseen events)

Based on the strong first half, we are raising our sales guidance for the full year. Novartis expects to deliver constant currency Group sales growth at mid- to high-single-digits (excluding Alcon). This expectation includes sales of A(H1N1) pandemic flu vaccines, which, year over year, is broadly neutral to overall sales growth.

Group operating margin and core operating margin are expected to increase in 2010 following continued business expansion and sustained productivity improvement. Sales of (A)H1N1 vaccines added around 1.5 margin points in both 2009 and 2010.

Reported sales and operating profit are affected by the current volatility in exchange rates. The impact of 2010 rates on sales in the first quarter was positive (+7%), the second quarter impact was slightly negative (-1%) and if exchange rates remain where they are for the remainder of the year the impact on the second half is expected to be negative. Overall for the year a small negative impact is expected. As a result of the natural hedging effect that partially exists between revenues and costs, the impact on operating income of current rates, if they prevail for the remainder of the year, is expected to be broadly neutral.

No account has been taken in these expectations for the acquisition of Alcon. Modeling assumptions for the inclusion of Alcon will be clarified at the point of completion.

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