Soc. General with Group net income of EUR 1.08 billion in Q2 2010 (EUR 2.15 billion in H1), Societe Generale has confirmed its rebound.

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Beleggingsadvies 04/08/2010 08:10
The Group:
• has demonstrated its commercial dynamism in its domestic market and benefited from the diversification of its international retail banking operation,
• continues to see a gradual recovery in the earnings of Specialised Financial Services’ activities as well as the Private Banking, Global Investment Management and Services division, and
• has provided further evidence of the resilience of its market activities and the commercial dynamism of its financing offerings in Corporate and Investment Banking.

H1 2010 testifies to the Group’s new commercial momentum with an excellent performance from Retail Banking activities and a satisfactory contribution to the results from Corporate and Investment Banking despite a challenging market environment. The results published today confirm Societe Generale’s rebound, while the company’s transformation programme, presented to the market on June 15th, is already under way, with the first portfolio arbitrages and the launch of projects for the sharing of information systems. In a macroeconomic environment in the process of stabilising, I am more than ever confident of the Group’s ability to achieve the objectives of its Ambition 2015 plan.

Q2 2010
Group revenues +12,9% vs Q2 2009
Cost to income ratio 60,9%
Group netto income EUR 1,08 bn
Group ROE 10,9%

PARIJS (AFN) - Société Générale (SocGen) heeft in het tweede kwartaal beter gepresteerd dan verwacht. Wel waarschuwde de Franse bank woensdag bij de bekendmaking van de cijfers dat het economisch herstel in de wereld fragiel is.

Société Générale zag het nettoresultaat in het tweede kwartaal uitkomen op 1,08 miljard euro. Dat is een ruime verdrievoudiging van de winst van 309 miljoen euro in dezelfde periode een jaar geleden. Analisten rekenden op een winst van 732 miljoen euro.

De bank wist het afgelopen kwartaal de invloed van slechte leningen op de winst terug te brengen. De provisies op deze leningen daalden tot 27 miljoen euro van 130 miljoen euro een jaar geleden.

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