Innovation drives Novartis to double-digit growth for 2010

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Beleggingsadvies 28/01/2011 13:19
Novartis achieved strong financial results in 2010
- Net sales up 14% (+14% in constant currencies, or cc) to USD 50.6 billion
- Operating income up 15% (+17% cc); core operating income up 22% (+24% cc); core operating income margin up by 1.9 percentage points to 27.7% of net sales
- EPS up 16% to USD 4.28; core EPS up 14% to USD 5.15
- Free cash flow before dividends up 31% to USD 12.3 billion
- 14th consecutive dividend increase; CHF 2.20 per share proposed for 2010

Solid sales growth in fourth quarter, operating income impacted by one-offs and A(H1N1) pandemic flu vaccine sales in the prior year
- Net sales up 10% (+11% cc) to USD 14.2 billion
- Operating income declined 6% (-3% cc) to USD 2.5 billion; core operating income decreased 1% (+2% cc) to USD 3.2 billion
- EPS down 6% (-2% cc) to USD 0.95

Pipeline and recently launched products deliver sustained growth momentum
- Continued rejuvenation of Group's portfolio with recently launched products contributing 21% of net sales (USD 10.4 billion) in 2010
- Industry leading pharmaceutical pipeline with 16 major submissions in 2010 in the US, EU and Japan, including, in the fourth quarter, ACZ885 in gouty arthritis (EU), Lucentis in retinal vein occlusion (EU), SOM230 in Cushing's disease (EU), and Afinitor in advanced neuroendocrine tumors (EU, US); in addition, we filed our meningococcal B vaccine Bexsero (EU)
- 13 major approvals gained in Pharmaceuticals in 2010 in the US, EU and Japan, including fourth quarter approvals for Tasigna in first-line chronic myeloid leukemia (EU, Switzerland, Japan), for Lucentis in diabetic macular edema (EU), and for Afinitor in subependymal giant cell astrocytomas associated with tuberous sclerosis (US)

Key figures
FY 2010 FY 2009 % change Q4 2010 Q4 2009 % change
USD m USD m USD cc USD m USD m USD cc
Net sales 50 624 44 267 14 14 14 199 12 926 10 11
Operating income 11 526 9 982 15 17 2 467 2 637 -6 -3
Net income 9 969 8 454 18 20 2 265 2 323 -2 2
EPS (USD) 4.28 3.70 16 17 0.95 1.01 -6 -2
Free cash flow
(before dividends) 12 346 9 446 31 4 180 3 349 25

Operating income 14 006 11 437 22 24 3 166 3 204 -1 2
Net income 12 029 10 267 17 18 2 803 2 892 -3 0
EPS (USD) 5.15 4.50 14 15 1.14 1.26 -10 -6

[1] See page 52 for further information and definition of core results

Basel, January 27, 2011 - Commenting on the results, Joseph Jimenez, CEO of Novartis, said:
"Novartis achieved excellent results in 2010 as all divisions contributed to above-market growth. I am proud that Novartis continues to lead the industry in innovation, with 13 key product approvals and 16 major filings in Pharmaceuticals in 2010, including our breakthrough multiple sclerosis therapy, Gilenya, which has been launched in the US. We also filed Bexsero, our meningococcal B vaccine, in the EU. In addition, our agreed 100% merger with Alcon, which should complete in the first half of 2011 following shareholder approval, will give us an important new growth pillar and the opportunity to meet some of the most urgent eye care needs of the global aging population."


Full year
Net sales rose 14% (+14% cc) to USD 50.6 billion driven by strong growth in all businesses, including USD 2.4 billion from the consolidation of Alcon, Inc. (Alcon). Recently launched products provided USD 10.4 billion of net sales in the 2010 period, representing 21% of net sales compared to 16% in the 2009 period (excluding Alcon). Pharmaceuticals sales expanded 7% (+6% cc) to USD 30.6 billion driven by 8 percentage points of volume expansion. Recently launched products contributed 21% of Pharmaceuticals sales, up from 16% in 2009. Sandoz achieved double-digit sales growth in 2010 (USD 8.5 billion, +14%, +15% cc) supported by strong growth in US retail generics, biosimilars (+46% cc) and emerging markets such as Middle East, Turkey and Africa (+22% cc). Vaccines and Diagnostics grew to USD 2.9 billion (+25% cc), including USD 1.3 billion of A(H1N1) pandemic flu vaccines. Excluding A(H1N1) pandemic flu vaccines, the business grew 16%. Consumer Health grew 7% (+6% cc) to USD 6.2 billion, with all three business units delivering solid growth in their respective markets.

Operating income rose 15% (+17% cc) to USD 11.5 billion on the volume-driven sales expansion. Unfavorable currency movements negatively impacted operating income by two percentage points. Operating income margin improved 0.3 percentage points to 22.8% of net sales. One-off items arising in the year totaled a net USD 1.3 billion, comprising: impairments (USD 1.0 billion), legal settlements (USD 240 million), restructuring costs (USD 198 million), and Alcon-related costs (USD 596 million), partially offset by divestment and pension curtailment gains (USD 690 million).

Core operating income rose 22% (+24% cc) to USD 14 billion; the core operating income margin rose 1.9 percentage points to 27.7% of net sales. Included in the core operating margin improvement of 1.9 percentage points were a benefit from Alcon of 0.4 percentage points and higher A(H1N1) pandemic flu vaccine sales of 0.5 percentage points, resulting in the increase in the underlying margin of 1.0 percentage points.

Net income advanced 18% (+20% cc) to USD 10.0 billion ahead of operating income growth due to higher income from associated companies (+173% cc), offset by higher financial expenses from the Alcon financing. Earnings per share (EPS) rose 16% (+17% cc) to USD 4.28 from USD 3.70 in the 2009 period. Core net income grew 17% (+18% cc) to USD 12.0 billion, while core EPS was up 14% (+15% cc) to USD 5.15 from USD 4.50 in the year-ago period.

The Board proposes a dividend payment of CHF 2.20 per share for 2010, up 5% from CHF 2.10 per share in 2009, representing the 14th consecutive dividend increase since the creation of Novartis in December 1996. Shareholders will vote on this and other proposals at the 2010 Annual General Meeting scheduled for February 22, 2011.

Fourth quarter
Net sales rose 10% (+11% cc) to USD 14.2 billion. Alcon sales were USD 1.8 billion for the quarter. Unfavorable currency movements depressed the result by 1 percentage point (excluding Alcon). Recently launched products provided USD 2.5 billion of net sales in the 2010 period, which represent 20% of total sales (excluding Alcon).

Pharmaceuticals sales grew 3% (+4% cc) to USD 8.0 billion driven by 7 percentage points of volume expansion, offset by 3 percentage points of price erosion. Recently launched products contributed 23% of Pharmaceuticals sales, up from 18% in 2009. Sandoz maintained its strong growth (USD 2.4 billion, +10%, +14% cc) versus prior year, with 21 percentage points of volume expansion from new product launches, including gemcitabine (generic Gemzar®) and enoxaparin (generic Lovenox®). Vaccines and Diagnostics declined 74% (-73% cc) versus previous year to USD 361 million as a result of USD 1.0 billion of A(H1N1) pandemic flu vaccine sales in the fourth quarter of 2009 that were not repeated in the 2010 quarter and shipment delays resulting from production issues at one of our vaccines plants. Consumer Health growth (USD 1.6 billion, 0%, +1% cc) was suppressed by a high year-ago base due to the Prevacid24HR launch and initial stocking in the OTC business unit. Excluding the launch impact of Prevacid24HR in 2009, Consumer Health growth in the fourth quarter of 2010 was 5% (+6% cc).

Operating income decreased 6% (-3% cc). Currency had a negative impact of 3 percentage points. Alcon contributed operating income of USD 222 million. One-off items in the quarter included charges totaling USD 789 million, partially offset by a gain of USD 392 million from the divestment of Enablex. These charges include Pharmaceuticals USD 253 million (mainly ASA404 impairment USD 120 million and US restructuring costs USD 85 million), Sandoz USD 49 million (German restructuring), Vaccines and Diagnostics USD 75 million (manufacturing restructuring USD 52 million and financial asset impairment USD 23 million), Alcon USD 383 million (fair value revaluation of inventory USD 372 million, costs resulting from the change in majority ownership USD 11 million) and Corporate charges of USD 24 million.

Excluding these one-time items and acquisition-related items, core operating income increased 2% in constant currencies to USD 3.2 billion. Core operating income margin decreased 2.5 percentage points to 22.3% of net sales. Included in the core operating margin decline of 2.5 percentage points was a benefit of 1.8 percentage points from Alcon while the absence of A(H1N1) pandemic flu vaccine sales in 2010 decreased the margin by 4.4 percentage points. Underlying margin excluding these two items was broadly flat.

Net income declined 2% to USD 2.3 billion. The decline was lower than operating income primarily as a result of a low tax charge stemming from the consolidation of Alcon and a true-up of the underlying Novartis tax rate to 16.3%, offset by higher Alcon-related financing costs and a decrease in income from associated companies (no Alcon equity accounting and inclusion of USD 89 million of Roche restructuring costs). Core net income was flat in constant currencies compared to 2009 at USD 2.8 billion.

Earnings per share (EPS) declined 6% (-2% cc) to USD 0.95 from USD 1.01 in the 2009 period, while core EPS was down 10% (-6% cc) in the fourth quarter to USD 1.14 from USD 1.26 in the year-ago period.

Delivering innovation, growth and productivity
The long-term Novartis growth strategy is based on our focused, diversified portfolio. Following the expected completion of the merger with Alcon, the portfolio would be comprised of five divisions: Pharmaceuticals, Sandoz, Vaccines & Diagnostics, Consumer Health, and Alcon (eye care). The breadth of our portfolio focused on healthcare allows us to capture the most promising opportunities of the healthcare marketplace while at the same time mitigating the impact of challenges in particular sectors.

Our ability to execute this strategy - delivering world-class healthcare solutions on a global scale, across all of our divisions - comes from a commitment to three core priorities: (1) extending our lead in innovation through the research and development of new offerings and the expansion of applications for current offerings; (2) accelerating growth across all divisions with new launches and a greater presence in emerging markets; and (3) enhancing productivity through efficiency initiatives that free up resources for our R&D investment. By focusing on these priorities, we are able to sustain above-market growth, deliver value for investors, and improve healthcare outcomes for patients through new innovative solutions.

Extending our lead in innovation resulting in 13 approvals and 16 submissions in Pharmaceuticals
2010 was a landmark year for Novartis innovation, which resulted in 13 major approvals and 16 submissions in our Pharmaceuticals Division in the US, EU and Japan for the year, maintaining our productivity at the top end of the industry. Our pipeline remains strong: we currently have 147 projects in our Pharmaceuticals development pipeline; our early pipeline in Vaccines is progressing rapidly; and the Sandoz development organization is committed to investing in biosimilars and respiratory opportunities. Our unrivalled record in innovation allows us to maintain a high level of investment in R&D, enabling Novartis to make continuous progress in addressing areas of unmet patient need.

Novartis achieved important breakthroughs in 2010 in our continuing efforts to address unmet patient need. Among the most prominent of these accomplishments was the launch of Gilenya in the US, a first-line oral therapy for relapsing multiple sclerosis that has shown superior efficacy over standard of care, and Menveo, a new vaccine offering protection against four major serogroups of meningococcal disease, which infect more than a half million people each year. Sandoz demonstrated our ability to leverage innovation in order to create complex, cost-effective alternatives to branded drugs with the launch of enoxaparin and the significant progress in our biosimilar and respiratory portfolio.

In the fourth quarter, several of our products were approved for critical new uses: Afinitor was approved in the US for patients with subependymal giant cell astrocytoma, a benign brain tumor associated with tuberous sclerosis; Tasigna gained approval in Europe, Japan and Switzerland as a first-line treatment for patients with newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia (CML); and on January 6, 2011, Lucentis was approved in the EU for treatment of patients with diabetic macular edema, a major cause of blindness in the working-age population in most developed countries.

In the fourth quarter, a number of compounds in our pipeline took another step toward potential launch. Our 4CMenB vaccine candidate Bexsero was submitted for approval in the EU based on Phase III data from more than 7,500 subjects, which support the use of Bexsero in infants two months of age and older, as well as adolescents and adults. In Pharmaceuticals, the human monoclonal antibody ACZ885 was submitted in the EU for the treatment of gouty arthritis; Lucentis was submitted in the EU for the treatment of visual impairment due to retinal vein occlusion, in which the blood flow from the retina is interrupted; SOM230 was submitted in the EU for the treatment of Cushing's disease, a debilitating hormonal disorder for which there are currently no approved medicines; and Afinitor was submitted in the EU and the US for use in advanced neuroendocrine tumors, for which there are also currently no approved treatments.

Many of our medicines showed promise for expanded uses in addressing patient need. During the fourth quarter, a Phase II study of Afinitor suggested its application in the treatment of advanced breast cancer. An update of a longer-term Phase III study of Tasigna continued to show its superiority over Gleevec/Glivec, the long-time standard, in treating patients newly diagnosed with CML.

Phase III data of our oral Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor INC424 showed significant clinical benefit in patients with myelofibrosis, an uncommon and debilitating blood cancer. Phase II data related to our oral investigational drug LBH589 suggested anticancer activity in some Hodgkin's lymphoma patients. Interim results of the AZURE trial for use of Zometa in treating women with early breast cancer did not meet its primary endpoint, so we withdrew our applications.

A Phase III study of our influenza vaccine, Fluad, suggests efficacy in preventing influenza in young children. Based on successful clinical trial data supporting the immunogenicity and tolerability profile of Menveo in infants starting at two months of age, a supplemental Biologics License Application was submitted to the FDA for the use of Menveo in this age group.

Accelerating growth with recently launched products as key driver
Our strategy of rejuvenating our portfolio with new medicines continued to progress. Throughout 2010, recently launched products were a key driver of overall growth and an important factor in our ability to offset future patent expiries. In 2010, recently launched products accounted for USD 10.4 billion, or 21% of net sales; in the fourth quarter, they accounted for USD 2.5 billion, or 20% of net sales.

In 2010, Pharmaceuticals grew 7% (+6% cc) to USD 30.6 billion. Our strong momentum in innovation underpinned this growth with recently launched Pharmaceuticals products contributing USD 6.6 billion of net sales for the year, representing 21% of net sales compared to 16% in 2009. Europe, our largest region, had a strong year, growing 7% in constant currencies in spite of various government price cuts, harnessing recently launched products to drive 28% of net sales.

Sandoz delivered solid growth of 14% (+15% cc) in 2010, underpinned by strong results in US retail generics and biosimilars (+46% cc), which benefitted from the successful execution of first-to-market launches including enoxaparin, tacrolimus and losartan. Sandoz continues to lead in biosimilars with total 2010 sales of USD 185 million (+63% cc), based on key launches in the oncology indications of Binocrit (epoetin alfa) and Zarzio (filgrastim), as well as continued growth in Omnitrope (human growth hormone).

We were also successful in 2010 in the expansion of our presence in emerging markets. In 2010, sales (excluding Alcon) in our top six emerging markets, which include China, Russia, Brazil, India, South Korea and Turkey, were USD 4.6 billion growing 12% over the previous year. In the fourth quarter, sales were USD 1.2 billion, an increase of 1% over the year-ago period with A(H1N1) pandemic flu vaccine sales. We are committed to further expanding in these growing markets in order to meet patient and customer needs specific to these regions. In Russia, we demonstrated our commitment to becoming the government's leading healthcare partner, confirming our intent to build a new full-scale pharmaceutical manufacturing plant in St. Petersburg. This investment is part of an overall USD 500 million commitment in local infrastructure and collaborative healthcare initiatives planned over a five-year period.

2011 Group outlook
(Barring unforeseen events)

Group constant currency sales growth is expected to be around the double-digit mark.

Pharmaceuticals is expected to deliver sales growth in low- to mid-single-digits. Continued growth in recently launched products and emerging markets is expected to drive strong volume growth around the high-single-digit mark. Reported sales growth will be lower as a result of the combined effect of price reductions seen in 2010, the full impact of healthcare reform in the US and generic competition. Femara's patent will expire in the US in June 2011 and Diovan patents begin to expire in Europe in February 2011.

For Sandoz, sales growth of around mid-single-digits is expected. The aggressive launch program for new products and expansion in emerging markets is expected to continue. The exceptional sales growth experienced in 2010 in the US is unlikely to be maintained as exclusivity periods expire and if enoxaparin faces additional competitors. In addition, the healthcare cost-containment measures in Germany, experienced in the second half of 2010, are likely to be fully felt throughout 2011.

Alcon, Inc. has announced that it expects to increase sales at a high-single-digit rate in 2011.

With the continuing drive to generate productivity improvements across the Group, we aim to improve constant currency core operating income margin while absorbing price cuts, generic competition, the loss of sales from the A(H1N1) pandemic flu vaccine and investing for the future.

In 2011, we expect the full effect of Alcon acquisition accounting to result in amortization of intangible assets of approximately USD 2.0 billion.

From January 1, 2011, research costs of USD 195 million, currently included in Corporate expenses, will be recorded in Pharmaceuticals.

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