Next step in R&D cooperation between AVEBE and BASF Plant Science

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Beleggingsadvies 15/04/2011 14:37
Foxhol, the Netherlands and Limburgerhof, Germany – April, 15th 2011 . The potato starch manufacturer AVEBE and the plant biotechnology company BASF Plant Science confirmed today the next step in their cooperation to develop genetically enhanced amylopectin starch potatoes. BASF Plant Science assumes ownership for the genetically enhanced amylopectin starch potato Modena.Modena was developed by AVEBE and is currently in the approval process for commercial use in Europe.

Gerben Meursing, Managing Director of Commerce from AVEBE said “Through the cooperation with BASF Plant Science, AVEBE will be able to enhance the commercialization of its plant biotechnology knowledge. The potential of the positive environmental impact during cultivation will be better accessible, with genetically enhanced varieties leading to higher yields per acre. This step is beneficial for our stakeholders in the potato starch value chain.”

“This decision is a logical next step within our cooperation with AVEBE,” said Marc Ehrhardt, Senior Vice President, BASF Plant Science. “Modena is an innovative and competitive variety, which complements our existing portfolio of amylopectin starch potatoes perfectly. Modena will make a contribution to strengthen the competitiveness of the European starch potato farmers, because it will make amylopectin potato starch more broadly available for the entire industry.”

In December 2010, both companies already announced the plan to bundle their competencies for the development of amylopectin starch potatoes. The cooperation started with the development of a late blight resistant amylopectin starch potato. Late blight is a serious problem in potato farming in Europe.

About genetically enhanced amylopectin starch potatoes
Conventional potatoes produce a mixture of amylopectin and amylose starch. For many technical applications, such as in the paper, textile and adhesives industries, pure amylopectin starch is preferred. Separating the two starch components is uneconomical and environmentally unfriendly. After having “switched off” the gene for the production of amylose, the amylopectin starch potatoes produce pure amylopectin starch and thus help to save resources, energy and costs.

AVEBE is the world’s leading potato starch company. AVEBE creates and markets starch-based solutions for food, feed, paper, building, textiles and adhesives industries. Potato starch is a renewable resource with unique properties and a huge potential for innovation. AVEBE is dedicated to use this potential and to add value for its customers by continuously improving existing starch applications and by creating new starch ingredients to help its customers innovate their products. AVEBE operates worldwide, has production locations in the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden, and employs some 1300 people. For more information, visit www.AVEBE.COM..

About BASF Plant Science
BASF is the world’s leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics and performance products to agricultural products, fine chemicals as well as oil and gas. BASF Plant Science – a BASF group company – is one of the world’s leading companies providing innovative plant biotechnology solutions for agriculture. Today, about 700 employees are helping farmers meet the growing demand for improved agricultural productivity and healthier nutrition for humans and animals. BASF Plant Science has developed an unparalleled gene discovery platform focusing on yield and quality traits in crops such as corn, soybean and rice. Jointly with leading partners in the seed industry BASF Plant Science is commercialising its products. For more information, visit

In het Nederlands
Foxhol, Nederland en Limburgerhof, Duitsland - april, 15e 2011. De aardappelzetmeelfabrikant AVEBE en de plantaardige biotechnologie bedrijf BASF Plant Science vandaag bevestigd de volgende stap in hun samenwerking met genetisch gemanipuleerde amylopectine zetmeel aardappelen te ontwikkelen. BASF Plant Science de eigendom overneemt voor de genetisch verbeterde amylopectinezetmeelaardappel Modena. Modena is ontwikkeld door AVEBE en is momenteel in het goedkeuringsproces voor commercieel gebruik in Europa.

Gerben Meursing, Managing Director van Koophandel van AVEBE zei: "Door de samenwerking met BASF Plant Science, AVEBE staat zullen zijn om de commercialisering van haar fabriek biotechnologische kennis te vergroten. Het potentieel van de positieve milieu-impact tijdens de teelt beter zal zijn toegankelijk, met genetisch verbeterde rassen die leiden tot hogere opbrengsten per hectare. Deze stap is gunstig voor onze stakeholders in het aardappelzetmeel waardeketen. "

"Deze beslissing is een logische volgende stap in onze samenwerking met AVEBE," zei Marc Ehrhardt, Senior Vice President, BASF Plant Science. "Modena is een innovatieve en concurrerende verscheidenheid, die onze bestaande portfolio van amylopectine zetmeel aardappelen perfect aanvult. Modena zal een bijdrage leveren aan het concurrentievermogen van de Europese zetmeelaardappelen boeren te versterken, want het zal amylopectine aardappelzetmeel meer in het algemeen beschikbaar zijn voor de gehele branche. "

In december 2010, beide bedrijven al aangekondigd het plan te bundelen hun competenties voor de ontwikkeling van amylopectine zetmeel aardappelen. De samenwerking begon met de ontwikkeling van een aardappelziekte resistent amylopectinezetmeelaardappel. Aardappelziekte is een ernstig probleem in de aardappel landbouw in Europa.

Over genetisch verbeterde amylopectine zetmeel aardappelen
Conventionele aardappelen produceren een mengsel van amylopectine en amylose zetmeel. Voor veel technische toepassingen, zoals in de papier-, textiel en kleefstoffen, is pure amylopectine zetmeel de voorkeur. Scheiden van de twee componenten zetmeel is niet economisch en milieu-onvriendelijk. Nadat 'uitgezet' het gen voor de productie van amylose, het amylopectine zetmeel aardappelen produceren zuivere amylopectine zetmeel en aldus bijdragen tot hulpbronnen, energie en kosten te besparen.

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