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Beleggingsadvies 19/04/2011 19:03
Silver Quest Resources Ltd. has released drill results from the first five holes drilled in the recently-announced 20,000 metre drill campaign to expand the resources on the Davidson Gold Project, a joint venture with Richfield Ventures Corp., which is the operator of the joint venture. Silver Quest has a 25% interest in the joint venture. The project is approximately 110 kilometres southwest of Vanderhoof, BC.

Richfield has completed the first five vertical holes in the current drilling campaign. The best results were 82 metres of 3.29 grams/tonne ("g/t") gold in hold BW 135, which included a 15 metre intercept averaging 14.5 g/t gold.

The following highlights are from the announcement made by Richfield today.

Two holes, BW 135 and BW 138 are 77 and 177 metres respectively west of BW 59 (361 metres of 1.25 grams/tonne (g/t) Au within 455 metres of 1.03 g/t Au - see news release dated May 7, 2010). Three other holes, BW 137, BW 139 and BW 140, are in the historic Gold Zone some 350 metres northeast of BW 59.

The two central holes, BW 135 and BW 138, show good gold grades in the upper 250 metres. They amplify the higher grade central part of the deposit and expand the third near-surface, high grade zone. Both holes cut siliceous breccia for their length.

The three holes in the historic Gold Zone contain gold mineralization from collar to the bottom of the holes with higher grade sections. Good gold grades are seen in the upper 100 metres of BW 140 and below 350 metres in BW 139. The best grades in BW 137 are below 150 metres. BW 139 cuts siliceous breccia; the two northern holes cut dacite-andesite with lapilli tuff and siliceous sections.

DDH From (m) To (m) Intvl (m) Au g/t Ag g/t
BW 135 96 178 82 3.29 5.8
incl 114 158 44 5.52 7.5
incl 143 158 15 14.50 16.2
BW 135 4 81 77 0.36 2.7
BW 135 189 197 8 0.32 1.6
BW 135 209 215 6 0.47 1.8
BW 135 233 251 18 0.30 2.0
BW 137 151 158 7 0.70 14.4
BW 137 183 197 14 0.69 11.5
BW 137 245 287 42 0.54 9.1
BW 138 2 165 163 1.02 7.3
BW 138 172 213 41 0.58 2.3
BW 138 233 240 7 0.82 5.3
BW 139 64 83 19 1.20 6.5
BW 139 127 154 27 0.36 1.9
BW 139 159 177 18 0.52 3.3
BW 139 267 285 18 0.36 1.8
BW 139 292 305 13 0.32 1.5
BW 139 361 378 17 4.13 6.0
incl 368 376 8 8.99 9.6
BW 139 398 426 28 0.33 6.0
BW 139 435 452.63 17.63 0.77 18.4
BW 140 23 96 73 1.40 4.9
BW 140 116 159 43 0.45 2.1
BW 140 213 229 16 0.46 0.4

For locations of these five drill holes, please refer to the Richfield Ventures website at and click on "Blackwater Gold Project". The Davidson Project is the northern portion of the Blackwater Gold Project.

David Pawliuk, P.Geo., Vice-President Exploration for Silver Quest is the Qualified Person, as defined by NI 43-101, for the Davidson Project and has reviewed the technical information in this release.

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