Alcoa Reports Solid Second Quarter 2015 Profits Portfolio Transformation on Track

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Beleggingsadvies 09/07/2015 07:33
2Q 2015 Financial Highlights
Net income of $140 million, or $0.10 per share; excluding special items, net income of $250 million, or $0.19 per share, up 16 percent, year-over-year
Revenue of $5.9 billion driven by strong organic growth in aerospace, automotive and alumina businesses
Record Engineered Products and Solutions after-tax operating income of $210 million, up 4 percent, and aerospace revenue up 29 percent, both year-over-year
Global Rolled Products after-tax operating income of $76 million, up 9 percent, adjusted EBITDA per metric ton up 18 percent, and automotive sheet revenue up approximately 180 percent, all year-over-year
Alumina after-tax operating income of $215 million, best first half profitability since 2007
Primary Metals after-tax operating income of $67 million, as Midwest transaction price declined $527 per metric ton, or 22 percent, year-to-date through June 30
$324 million in productivity gains across all segments year-over-year
Cash from operations of $472 million and free cash flow of $205 million after $300 million natural gas supply prepayment for Australian refineries; $1.3 billion cash on hand

2Q 2015 Portfolio Transformation Highlights

Firth Rixson and TITAL integration on schedule; Firth Rixson on target to increase Alcoa’s revenue by $1.6 billion with additional $350 million EBITDA in 2016
Obtained regulatory approvals to acquire RTI International Metals to grow titanium aerospace portfolio; RTI shareholders scheduled to vote July 21
Announced investment in aerospace technology in Michigan, U.S. to capture demand for jet engine components
MicromillTM qualification agreements in place with eight major automotive customers from three continents
Record volume of automotive sheet shipments, up approximately 200 percent from year-ago period; automotive expansion in Tennessee, U.S. on schedule and customer qualifications already underway
Alumina refinery at Ma’aden-Alcoa joint venture continued to ramp up, on track to produce 1.1 million metric tons of alumina in 2015; smelter producing at full capacity
Curtailed 443,000 metric tons of alumina refining capacity in Suriname; pursuing a transaction to sell the Suralco operations to a Suriname government-owned entity
In Brazil, curtailed remaining 74,000 metric tons of primary aluminum smelting capacity at São Luís on April 15 and permanently closed the 96,000 metric ton Poços de Caldas smelter on June 30; announced plans to permanently close Anglesea coal mine and power station in Australia by August 31

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Lightweight metals leader Alcoa (NYSE:AA) today reported solid second quarter 2015 results as the Company’s transformation showed strong progress. Profitability from Alcoa’s growing aerospace and automotive businesses increased year-over-year as mid and downstream investments delivered positive impact. In the upstream, the Primary Metals business was resilient in the face of market headwinds and the Alumina business delivered its strongest first half results in eight years. The Company’s portfolio reshaping is driving results.

Alcoa reported second quarter 2015 net income of $140 million, or $0.10 per share, including $143 million in restructuring-related charges, primarily to optimize the Company’s upstream portfolio. Year-over-year, second quarter 2015 results compare to net income of $138 million, or $0.12 per share, in second quarter 2014.

Excluding special items, second quarter 2015 net income grew to $250 million, or $0.19 per share, up 16 percent from $216 million, or $0.18 per share, in the year-ago period. Profitability increased even as the Midwest transaction price declined $527 per metric ton, or 22 percent, year-to-date through June 30, demonstrating the benefit of a reshaped portfolio.

Second quarter 2015 revenue rose to $5.9 billion, from $5.8 billion in second quarter 2014, up 1 percent year-over-year. Organic growth in aerospace, automotive and alumina, combined with acquisitions, grew second quarter revenue by 12.7 percent. This profitable growth more than offset an 11.7 percent decline in revenue caused by closing and divesting lower-margin businesses and market headwinds. This revenue shift reflects how the Company’s transformation is driving the portfolio to higher profitability.

“We continue to transform Alcoa; our portfolio reshaping combined with smart investments in growth markets is delivering strong results,” said Klaus Kleinfeld, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “Our value-add businesses are outperforming, with record profitability in the downstream and exciting profitable growth in the midstream. Recent acquisitions are fully on track, and paired with our innovations we are cementing Alcoa’s position as a premier aerospace and automotive partner. In the upstream, our Alumina business delivered its best first half since 2007 and our lower cost metals business showed resilience in the face of strong market headwinds. Productivity and cash generation were excellent.”

End Market Growth Remains Steady

Alcoa continues to project steady growth in 2015 across the majority of its end markets.

In the aerospace sector, the Company expects global sales growth of 8 to 9 percent in 2015. The 2015 forecast shifted one point on a slower ramp up primarily in the A350 and Bombardier C Series, and future estimated growth rates have been revised upward. Projections for 2016 and 2017 aerospace sales growth have nearly doubled to 8 and 13 percent, from 4 to 5 percent and 6 percent, respectively, showing the ongoing strength of the sector.

Alcoa sees increasing orders in the North American heavy duty truck and trailer market, and projects 9 to 11 percent growth for 2015, up from the previous forecast of 6 to 8 percent growth. In the global heavy duty truck and trailer market, the Company is lowering its projection for the year to a decline of 4 to 6 percent, from a decline of 2 to 4 percent, on slower economic growth in Brazil and China.

In the automotive, building and construction, industrial gas turbine, and packaging end markets, the Company’s global forecasts remain unchanged. Alcoa estimates a global automotive production increase of 2 to 4 percent for the year, with a 1 to 4 percent rise in North America; 5 to 7 percent global sales growth in the commercial building and construction market; 1 to 3 percent global airfoil market growth in the industrial gas turbine market; and a 2 to 3 percent global sales increase in the packaging market.

Alcoa continues to project robust global aluminum demand growth of 6.5 percent in 2015.

Value-Add Portfolio Transformation

Alcoa’s strategy to build its innovative value-add portfolio, both organically and inorganically, remained on course in the second quarter.

Alcoa continued to successfully integrate jet engine component makers Firth Rixson and TITAL. The acquisitions further strengthened the Company’s position as a premier aerospace leader and contributed to 29 percent higher aerospace revenue in Engineered Products and Solutions in the second quarter. Firth Rixson doubles Alcoa’s average revenue content on key jet engine programs and TITAL expands the Company’s titanium and aluminum structural castings for aerospace in Europe. As a result of these acquisitions, Alcoa can build more than 90 percent of all the structural and rotating components of a jet engine.

Firth Rixson generated $42 million in second quarter adjusted EBITDA up from $27 million in the first quarter by successfully capturing synergies. Firth Rixson is on track to increase Alcoa’s revenue by $1.6 billion with an additional $350 million EBITDA in 2016. TITAL’s titanium revenues are expected to increase by 70 percent over the next five years from approximately $100 million in 2014 and approximately 70 percent of TITAL’s revenues are expected to come from commercial aerospace sales in 2019.

The Company’s plan to acquire RTI International Metals also progressed as planned. U.S. and European regulatory approvals were obtained in the second quarter and RTI shareholders are scheduled to vote on the merger on July 21.

Upon shareholder approval and close, RTI will broaden Alcoa’s multi-material product suite to meet growing aerospace demand for titanium. With RTI, Alcoa’s 2014 pro forma aerospace revenue increases by 13 percent to $5.6 billion. Alcoa expects RTI to contribute $1.2 billion in revenue in 2019, up from $794 million that RTI generated in 2014. Its profitability is expected to reach 25 percent EBITDA margin in 2019.

In the second quarter, Alcoa also announced an investment in aerospace technology at its Whitehall, Michigan facility in the United States. The $22 million investment in Hot Isostatic Pressing technology will enable Alcoa to capture growing demand for advanced titanium, nickel and 3D-printed parts for the world’s bestselling jet engines.

In the midstream, Alcoa’s MicromillTM material continued to gain commercial traction. The Company has qualification agreements in place with eight major automotive customers from three continents. Automotive parts made with Alcoa Micromill® material will be twice as formable and 30 percent lighter than parts made from high-strength steel. Alcoa Micromill also reduces the time to transform molten metal into an aluminum coil from 20 days to 20 minutes.

The Company’s automotive expansion in Davenport, Iowa shipped record volume of automotive sheet to meet growing customer demand, increasing automotive sheet revenue approximately 180 percent year-over-year. Alcoa’s automotive expansion in Tennessee is on schedule with customer qualifications already taking place.

Upstream Portfolio Transformation

In the upstream, Alcoa continues to take steps to lower its cost base and improve profitability.

In the Alumina segment, Alcoa of Australia Limited made the first of two prepayments on the previously announced 12-year gas supply agreement for its alumina refineries in Western Australia (WA), which begins in 2020. A $300 million payment was made in the second quarter and a payment of $200 million will be made in January 2016. The contract replaces existing long-term contracts, which expire at the end of the decade, and supports the refineries’ ongoing competitiveness.

Also in Australia, the Company announced plans to permanently close its Anglesea coal mine and power station by August 31. The Anglesea power station had previously supplied approximately 40 percent of the power needs for the Point Henry smelter in Geelong, Victoria, which was closed in 2014.

In addition, Alcoa continued to close and curtail upstream facilities as part of its ongoing review of 500,000 metric tons of smelting capacity and 2.8 million metric tons of alumina capacity. On April 30 in Suriname, Alcoa curtailed 443,000 metric tons of alumina refining capacity at Suralco. The Company also continued to pursue a transaction to sell the Suralco operations to a Suriname government-owned entity.

In Primary Metals, Alcoa curtailed the remaining 74,000 metric tons of primary aluminum smelting capacity at its São Luís, Brazil facility on April 15. Also in Brazil, the Company permanently closed its Poços de Caldas primary aluminum smelter on June 30, which had been curtailed since May 2014. By permanently closing the Poços smelter, Alcoa’s total global smelting capacity was reduced by 96,000 metric tons, to 3.4 million metric tons. The Poços bauxite mine, alumina refinery, aluminum powder plant and aluminum casthouse will continue normal operations.

In Saudi Arabia, the Ma’aden-Alcoa joint venture mine neared completion while the refinery continued its ramp up and is on track to produce 1.1 million metric tons of alumina in 2015. The smelter is on target to reach nameplate production of 740,000 metric tons of primary aluminum this year.

All of the above actions support Alcoa’s goal of lowering its position on the global aluminum cost curve to the 38th percentile and the global alumina cost curve to the 21st percentile by 2016.

Financial Performance

In the second quarter, Alcoa achieved $324 million in year-over-year productivity gains and $562 million through the first half of 2015 against a $900 million annual target, driven by process improvements and procurement savings across all segments. Through the first half of the year, Alcoa managed return-seeking capital of $283 million against a $750 million annual target and controlled sustaining capital expenditures of $240 million against a $725 million annual plan.

Free cash flow for the quarter was $205 million, with cash provided from operations of $472 million. Alcoa ended the quarter with cash on hand of $1.3 billion, and on July 7, extended the maturity date of its $4 billion revolving credit line to July 2020.

The Company achieved an average of 34 days working capital for the quarter, 1 day higher than second quarter 2014 due primarily to the impact of the Firth Rixson and TITAL acquisitions. Excluding the impact of the acquisitions, average days of working capital decreased 2 days from 33 to 31. Alcoa’s debt-to-adjusted EBITDA ratio on a trailing twelve months basis was 2.12.

Segment Performance

Engineered Products and Solutions

After-tax operating income (ATOI) was a record $210 million, up $8 million, or 4 percent, year-over-year from $202 million (revised from $204 million*), and up $16 million, or 8 percent, from $194 million (revised from $191 million*) sequentially. Year-over-year, productivity improvements, the contribution from acquisitions and higher volumes were mostly offset by unfavorable price/mix and unfavorable foreign currency exchange rates. Adjusted EBITDA margin was 21.5 percent in second quarter 2015 compared to 22.9 percent (revised from 23.1 percent*) in the year-ago quarter and 20.4 percent (revised from 20.1 percent*) in first quarter 2015.

Global Rolled Products

ATOI in the second quarter was $76 million, up $6 million, or 9 percent, year-over-year from $70 million (revised from $79 million*), and up $22 million, or 41 percent, from $54 million (revised from $34 million*) sequentially. Year-over-year, results were driven by strong productivity gains, recording-setting approximately 200 percent growth in automotive sheet shipments, and increased commercial transportation and aerospace volume of 10 percent and 4 percent, respectively. Results were partially offset by lack of metal premium pass-through in Russia, pricing headwinds in global packaging, and costs associated with the investment in MicromillTM. As a result of the segment’s transformation initiatives, adjusted EBITDA per metric ton was $342 in second quarter 2015, up 18 percent or $53 per metric ton from $289 (revised from $313*) in the year-ago quarter.


ATOI in the second quarter was $215 million, down $6 million sequentially from $221 million, and up $177 million year-over-year from $38 million. Lower pricing based on both the Alumina Price Index (API) and the London Metal Exchange (LME) drove the decline in sequential ATOI. Increased productivity and higher volume partially offset the pricing impacts. Adjusted EBITDA per metric ton decreased $4 from first quarter 2015 to $98 per metric ton in second quarter 2015 and increased $59 per metric ton year-over-year.

Primary Metals

ATOI in the second quarter was $67 million, down $120 million sequentially from $187 million, and down $30 million from $97 million in second quarter 2014. Sequential earnings declined due to lower regional premiums and lower LME aluminum pricing. Lower alumina and energy costs somewhat offset these negative market impacts. Third-party realized price in second quarter 2015 was $2,180 per metric ton, down 10 percent sequentially and down 5 percent year-over-year. Adjusted EBITDA per metric ton was $267, $232 per metric ton lower than first quarter 2015.

Alcoa will hold its quarterly conference call at 5:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time on July 8, 2015 to present quarterly results. The meeting will be webcast via Call information and related details are available at under “Invest.” Presentation materials used during this meeting will be available for viewing at 4:15 PM EDT at

About Alcoa

A global leader in lightweight metals technology, engineering and manufacturing, Alcoa innovates multi-material solutions that advance our world. Our technologies enhance transportation, from automotive and commercial transport to air and space travel, and improve industrial and consumer electronics products. We enable smart buildings, sustainable food and beverage packaging, high-performance defense vehicles across air, land and sea, deeper oil and gas drilling and more efficient power generation. We pioneered the aluminum industry over 125 years ago, and today, our approximately 59,000 people in 30 countries deliver value-add products made of titanium, nickel and aluminum, and produce best-in-class bauxite, alumina and primary aluminum products. For more information, visit, follow @Alcoa on Twitter at and follow us on Facebook at

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